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  1. #1
    Community Member The_Rev09's Avatar
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    Question Multiclassing: what am I doing wrong?

    Hey all!

    Been playing for years, but never tried multiclassing until just recently. Decided that I'd like to run with a bard/thief/fighter build I've read so much about!

    So, I roll up a toon, and start with one level of thief, then a couple of bard levels, and toss a fighter level in there somewhere, until I get my 7 levels. I launch in and find out that I can't cast any spells or play any songs on my lute; shows that my perform skill is still at N/A. Now, I know I put plenty of points in there, so what the hell?

    I reroll, this time I start with a Bard level, then throw in a thief and fighter level up to 7. Groovy, now I can play buff-y songs, but my disable device, lockpick, etc, is all at N/A..

    Now, my "assumption" was that I would get at least some level of abilities in these areas when I took levels in that class, but it appears that all I really get are the skills for the class I start with at level 1.

    What am I missing? It's entirely possible that I'm just being a bonehead and completely missing the point of multiclassing, but I'd like to think not....

    Any help?

    Vast & Mysterious since '06!

  2. #2
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Just having the class in your build doesn't give you the skills - it just gives you the opportunity to invest in those skills. You still have to spend your skill points.

    For example, when you started your Rogue, you were unable to put any points into Perform.

    When you then leveled up and took a Bard level, the Perform skill would have shown in the Skills list - at that point, you could spend 1 skill point for a full rank in perform, up to your total level +3 (in this case, 5).

    When you took your Fighter level, the Perform skill was still listed (because you have Bard levels), but it would cost you 2 skill points to raise your Perform skill 1 full rank.

    Sometimes, it's better to wait to bring up your skills until you take that class again, if you're trying to maximize your skill point expenditure.
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  3. #3
    Community Member The_Rev09's Avatar
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    Yeah, I did all that stuff; I spent the skill points in the necessary classes (perform for bard, open lock for thief, etc), but now they appear as N/A, all except those skills that are appropriate for the class I took my first level in...

    So I should expect to see all those skills as available, yes? Hmm, I thought so...

    I did submit a ticket and was told by a GM that I needed to submit a bug report, which I did. Those always stink though, because they explicitly say that they aren't going to contact you about any solutions.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Vast & Mysterious since '06!

  4. #4
    Community Member Zyerz's Avatar
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    That shouldnt happen. You should be able to use the skills. Btw, thats one bizzare build.

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  5. #5


    Looks like a bug, and a rather nasty one at that! That's something new. I've never had an issue with the skills being unlocked prior to this.
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  6. #6
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    You can't cast any spells... is it because your charisma is less than 11? Or is it because you are wearing medium or heavy armor?

  7. #7
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Can you mark the toon public in
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  8. #8
    Community Member Gizeh's Avatar
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    Do you by any chance wear heavy armor?

    Open Lock and Disable Device are subject to an armor check penalty. Maybe you cannot use them if the total bonus drops to zero or below.

    Also, bard spells are subject to the armor based arcane spell failure chance. I'm not sure here, but it's possible that bard songs count as spell-like effects and are also affected.

    You might want to try using your rogue skills and bard songs/spells while wearing light or no armor and without a shield to check if that is the source of the problems.

  9. #9
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    I had a Bard/Fighter/Rogue and i could trap, umd, cast, sing.
    It was possible to max all important skills from any of the class.
    If in yours this didnt work this must be a bug.
    Maybe you can provide some name, screenshot?
    There could be some mistake, like no ranks in skills, or not enought charisma. Even though i doubt you will miss something like that considering its not your 1st toon.
    So its most probably is bug. :-/

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyerz View Post
    That shouldnt happen. You should be able to use the skills. Btw, thats one bizzare build.
    16 bard /2 fighter/ 2 rogue is VERY common. 16 bard/ 2 fighter/ 2 barb is sometimes done also, for the synergy between warchanter and rage.

    i'm a silly little halfling and went 16 bard/ 2 barb/ 2 rogue. ^_^

    but yeah. that is really wierd. you should be able to see/use the skills if you actually put points into them. the error you're getting is as if you did not invest points. are you sure you did? if so... /bug it.

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  11. #11
    Community Member The_Rev09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    Can you mark the toon public in
    Sure thing

    Will work on screenies......

    Also, note that I didn't start at level 1 and level up in the standard fashion.... I was able to roll straight up to level 7. Perhaps it's bugged there? One way to test would be to start at level one and quest until level 2, then multiclass and see if that does the trick....

    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!
    Last edited by The_Rev09; 05-04-2012 at 12:51 PM.

    Vast & Mysterious since '06!

  12. #12
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyerz View Post
    That shouldnt happen. You should be able to use the skills. Btw, thats one bizzare build.
    Kensei evasion warchanters are uber. 8 bard levels can give you almost as potent a damage song as a 19th level spellsinger. Think about it as a fighter melee with haste and displacement, and big self-heal scrolls with wand mastery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  13. #13
    Community Member The_Rev09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gizeh View Post
    Do you by any chance wear heavy armor?

    Open Lock and Disable Device are subject to an armor check penalty. Maybe you cannot use them if the total bonus drops to zero or below.

    Also, bard spells are subject to the armor based arcane spell failure chance. I'm not sure here, but it's possible that bard songs count as spell-like effects and are also affected.

    You might want to try using your rogue skills and bard songs/spells while wearing light or no armor and without a shield to check if that is the source of the problems.
    I'm wearing light armor and made sure I had a nice high Charisma....

    Vast & Mysterious since '06!

  14. #14
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    sounds like a possible bug with veteran 2. I have a guy I'm going to delete so I will try to level up and see what happens.

  15. #15
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    Tried it on Argo and it worked fine. But I do think it was prob a bug for you unfortunately. Maybe delete the toon and try again, make sure when you take your rogue level to put skill points in disable and open lock...and when you take your bard level to put skill points in perform...hopefully it will work out.

  16. #16
    Community Member The_Rev09's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teraz View Post
    Tried it on Argo and it worked fine. But I do think it was prob a bug for you unfortunately. Maybe delete the toon and try again, make sure when you take your rogue level to put skill points in disable and open lock...and when you take your bard level to put skill points in perform...hopefully it will work out.
    I put skill points in exactly those locations, twice. The first time when I went first level bard, then rogue, and the second time when I took one level of rogue, and then bard.

    Weird. Will try again.....

    Vast & Mysterious since '06!

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