Ran it tonight (Hard I think?). A few reported needing several boulders to kill single asteroids. It killed a couple of people, but still completed.
Ran it tonight (Hard I think?). A few reported needing several boulders to kill single asteroids. It killed a couple of people, but still completed.
Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
Oh, they improved their visibility! Sweet!
Every day at ~7-22 PM GMT whenever I'm off timer with one of my two toons, basicly 5 times a week. You'll usually see "A <insert difficulty> night out with Abbot" in the LFM.
Abbot doesn't need changing, it's a raid that requires just a bit more coordination than usual raids. It's not a 100% snoozefest completions guaranteed thing like other raids and that why some of us love it so much.
Also due to bugs that happen in the game it's not strange that people DC, new people go into the wrong puzzle and more similar fun stuff so you have to be able to adapt to new situations quickly. If you can't Abbot may not be the raid for you.
Last edited by Syllph; 05-04-2012 at 07:34 AM.
LMFAO @ Stainer! FUNNEH!! Good one! Honestly, we didn't see any "invisible" asteroids, but we were getting hit 200 dmg a peice when no asteroid was near, and some asteroids approached and exploded without doing any damage. Some asteroids, we threw rocks at and they refused to explode. Some rocks we threw were like curve balls and took a massive left, right, or vertical swing. It was all so bizzare!
~Roxan~ -16 PM Wizard (Life 4 of completionist)
Rubyy-19 Sorc
Synnfull-18 Rogue -//- Bryndi - 17 Monk
~Roxane~-11 Cleric -//- ~Synndra~-20 Bard
Well, I have to say I agree... While I appreciate challenges, I don't much appreciate pure random chance. It's why I live in Vegas and so rarely gamble. About the only games you can play where skill will help is the tables. The machines are so rigged now a days, its nuts. I appreciate a challenge where skill comes into play. When you have asteroids hitting you when none appear, skill will not affect that. Just dumb luck. I target dead on center of an asteroid and it flies 20 meters to the right? Bad luck? No, bad game mechanics. If ALL rocks flew 20 meters to the right, then it would be skill that changes your luck, but my second rock flew 20 meters UP. So, what kind of challenge could you appreciate where you only make out by pure chance? If that's what you like, please, by all means, come to Vegas and gamble away everything!
~Roxan~ -16 PM Wizard (Life 4 of completionist)
Rubyy-19 Sorc
Synnfull-18 Rogue -//- Bryndi - 17 Monk
~Roxane~-11 Cleric -//- ~Synndra~-20 Bard
Guess if you can't see the invisible asteroids...
Tree Seeing is also broken or just useless???
also if you have accurate targeting...
wouldn't that take away some of the challenge???
Last edited by Moonsickle; 05-05-2012 at 04:08 PM.
You know I had been using the Superior Sarcasm font exclusively but it seems in a unannounced hotfix they slipped in the Sovereign Sarcasm font... keep up the good work guys!
Did two runs 2 days ago, I was scouting both times and never entered roids but
Run 1) Roids party wiped, we all laughed at them thinking it was their doing. Not sure if it was or not. bard caused me to fall off tiles.
Run 2) We all finished puzzles. Two were encased and roiders couldn't get them. The 2 encased were roiders and i picked up a set of stones because nobody else did. Throwing at those, at close range i missed every other one, or threw nothing but did the animation.
We finished the run, but something there just wasn't quite right. Guess it wasn't all just my bad aim
I've been attempting abbot for 2 days now.
I've done roids on normal and hard countless times, I've never seen anything like this. It's beyond annoying.
I've scouted in my last 3 runs tonight, each time they were roids. We kept wiping, first we assumed companions were blocking. We dismissed. Second time, don't know what was going on, randomly getting hit off the platform. Third time, someone suggested we do the ''triangle method''.. It was working well, but again was getting hitt by roids no one saw.
Or maybe I'm just gimp.
EDIT: As soon as I come to rant on the forums roids is done successfully, wasn't as buggy this time around. We were all watching each others back while facing in...Boo, I can never give a good rant. We were still getting hit though, so maybe we'll have to bring higher hp toons in there.
Last edited by Pewf; 05-07-2012 at 11:10 PM.
[Tyrs Paladium]
Pewf, Bank Toons
Gave up after 4 consecutive roids failures yesterday... I just noticed this thread (after a little search on forums), so I'm glad to see it's not just me. And on the other hand I'm not so glad that I'm sitting at 19 Abbot completions (with two awesome items pulled along the way: Breeze and Purging the Pantheon), waiting to reach 20 so I can TR...
Also did Abbot a couple days ago, with the standard "3 attempts then we give" mentality.
No first timers, no one says they're inexperienced, all of them are names I've seen in abbot many-a-time.
Attempt 1: I scout into goggles, get led onto the first blue tile, everyone in roids dies. recall.
Attempt 2: I scout into roids, immediately pick up a set and alt-z, and get to it. I play with max zoom-out so I can see roids from behind or above me once they get close. I am, of course, hit and knocked off by nothing whatsoever (an invisible roid.) The rest of roids dies in the next 30 seconds, with complaints following about more invisi-roids.
Attempt 3: I scout into ice, roids wipes before we can get around the 2nd bend. And this attempt we had several of the people who "ABSOLUTELY KNEW ROIDS" swap into roids just to make sure it was done right.
Y this raid so broken all the time?
Ran it a few more times since the update and it really seems to be the same as before the update, as invisible asteroids have always been a problem. The one difference I've seen is that you seem to often/always not be able to throw through another person anymore. It seemed like it used to be that you could throw through someone if not always than most of the time, but now it seems like you pretty much have to jump or move as you can't throw directly through someone.
I think this is probably what people are seeing when they say they have indestructible asteroids. There have always been ghost asteroids that hit and do no damage but I haven't seen anything indestructible yet that does do damage.