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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Dwarven Save vs Cometfall

    Althought I do not play on Lammania I suspect this thread will be most useful here. I apologize if I have overlooked some information that makes this thread redundant or this issue has been fixed.

    Dwarves are supposed to have a +2 bonus to saves against magical effects, with the option add +1/+2/+3 to saves against magical effects via enhancement points. My character Wraltham has taken the first two levels of dwarven saves, giving him a total of +4 to saves against magical effects. Below, you can see my dwarven rogue evading a blade barrier.

    Wraltham's reflex is 23, but you can see 29 is added to his d20 (+23 reflex +4 dwarf and +2 paladin aura = +29.) I would expect to receive similar bonuses when saving against other spells as well. Cometfall is shown below:

    Against cometfall, Wraltham has a 22 reflex, but only 24 is added to his d20. I do not have the paladin aura effect, but you can see from my buff bar I am not debuffed nor have I somehow respec'd my character to lose the additional +2 to saves against spells that I have taken with APs.

    Anyways this was a mystery to me and I wondered if anyone could explain the disparity between spells. It seems as thought the save die were either showing incorrect numbers or the dwarven bonus was not working correctly.
    Last edited by andepans; 05-02-2012 at 01:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Shishizaru's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Cometfall has two reflex saves, one for knockdown and one for (half) damage. The knockdown portion is considered non-magical.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jul 2010


    Thank you for the quick response. What effect is giving me an additional +2 to my save against the non-magical trip? I may have moved out of range of the paladin aura before I took the screenshot but it seems unlikely.
    Last edited by andepans; 05-02-2012 at 01:30 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member baletraeger's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    If its a trip effect then you're not making a reflex save
    The target then takes a Strength or Dexterity save (whichever is higher) against a DC of 10 + Strength modifier + related Enhancements + related item bonuses. Should the target fail its check, the target is tripped.
    If you calculate using that are you still getting all the relevant bonuses to reach a base 24 save? (str mod + enhancements + feats + items)?

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