Wonder if anyone tried aggroing all the mobs in Blown to bits to one spot and then just blowing them all up hehe
Comfortably [d|n]umb
Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
WanderLust EuroTrash
Nothing on the Known Issues List is even comparable in game-breakingness than this wall thing. Trivial things like ladder catching, "you are not facing", etc are, to me, inconsequential. I can respond to and fix them myself nearly automatically (protip: the "you are not facing" caster bug is fixed by trying to cast the spell again, even when it says it's on cooldown). Other things, like certain weapon effects not doing the correct damage, or run speed not being properly increased as displayed, are unnoticeable unless you specifically try to find them. Bugs that only marginally affect aspects of the games I can almost entirely ignore.
At least, that's how I feel about them. I can understand other people getting upset over them.
I'm glad it's getting fixed today. It shows that Turbine can at least prioritize not having an almost non-functional game over working on new content.
Well I will give Turbine credit for trying to fix the stuff they have been breaking fairly quickly. They fixed the charm bug in just a few days. The fixed the TR bug in under a week. I'm sure they'll fix this fairly soon.
I think I'm just going to take a 3-5 days off after every update from here on out so when I play stuff is actually WAI.
In good news, I did test out a few quests yesterday and the Sharn series seems to be fairly unaffected by the wall bug. No problems in Bookbinder or Dirty Laundry which were the two I thought would be the worst. So... yeah... woohoo?
/shameless bragging post on
Solo-stealthed EClaw!
S*** it up wall-hackers scorpions!
/shameless bragging post off
Glad it's being fixed soon.
This type of speculation is just that: speculation. Same thing with the arguments like 'it's not the dev's/QA's fault, MANAGEMENT forced them to push it.' Honestly I don't even think this is reasonable speculation in my experience. Every system I've ever worked with gets 'broken' to some degree when it is upgraded or changed. It could be a report, a UI, data mapping, permissions, whatever, but that is what a testing team is for, and good project managers make sure there is adequate testing.
I've never had 'management' force me to put something out that I knew was broken to meet an internal deadline. Maybe it's just that I've had the good fortune to work for companies that expect excellence, but if we caught bugs that affected user functionality in a serious way, we delayed the roll out. If we caught bugs that affected users in a minor way (and dealing with end users there really is no 'minor' bug - as you see by the posts on the forums) then we made sure we communicated this to the users along with the work around before they found it on their own.
I agree that this shouldn't happen, and certainly not with every... single... update. I don't necessarliy agree that people are being rushed. I don't know. There may have been an internal drop dead date for this patch (more speculation) but it isn't like the user base was clamoring for anything more than the bag fix.It sucks for things like these to happen. They shouldn't happen and this one is particularly bad. They happen because things are rushed. They are rushed because they try keep a seven year old game competitive with games of developers who are in the comfortable situation to spend years developing it from the ground up.
The 'tickling' of the engine should have been tested exhaustively before releasing it to live. Throwing it up unannounced for a couple of days over smack in the middle of Crystal Cove was wishful thinking at best.
Did hard new invasion. Was very memorable and fun.
I am very disappointed to hear that a fix is going live so soon. I was looking to have some more fun playing in broken quests.
Please don't let this fix go live, unless it breaks something that causes equal amounts of entertainment for me.
I suggest the floors.
of course the fix is going in soon any bug that helps players is fixed within 24 hrs any bug the hurts players well that can w8 till after the exp is finished
Main:- Clerivast - 3rd life - 30 Cleric, Alt:- Aobhiel - 3rd life - 30, 12 Monk , 6 Ranger, 2 Fighter
Alt:- Vastano 3rd life 30 Monk
Member of Imperial Assassins of Argo.
Main:- Clerivast - 3rd life - 30 Cleric, Alt:- Aobhiel - 3rd life - 30, 12 Monk , 6 Ranger, 2 Fighter
Alt:- Vastano 3rd life 30 Monk
Member of Imperial Assassins of Argo.
We were running bastion last night on casual for flag only. Same moment we stepped in we got red alert and all the way up mobs were shooting cometfall on us from higher floors.
As much as I hate to admit it, Ew_vastano is right on this one. Scrolls falling from the sky in non-epics? Instant quest closure. All your ingredients stuck on one character because the bag is semi-perma-bound to you? A month later. (didn't happen to me btw)
Equal emphasis should be placed on player beneficial as well as player adverse issues occuring in the DDO realm. Also, a simple "Our bad, guys" taking responsibility for the problem would go a huge distance for most of the doom and gloomers.
With that said, issues come up, foreseen or not, that are between simple and extremely complex to fix. Something as seeming simple to the player base as a bag becoming bound when it shouldn't could very possibly be wrapped up in several other mechanics. Thus, fixing one requires fixing the rest as well and ensuring your fix doesn't cause ripples to other aspects. So give 'em a break. They know whose fault it is, we know whose fault it is, but that doesn't get it fixed any quicker.
I have not yet begun, to defile myself.
We did an elite Crucible last night and never made it through the maze after we got the I and K switch we went to drop the crest's in place and were decimated by casters from above at one point we had at least 10 cometfalls in about 30 secs add this to sleet storm 700 million mephits 3000 other spells and we were doomed all we could do was stand there and die was so lagged out we couldn't even move. I was on a Fvspallymonk build and couldn't heal or even loh was quite entertaining. I was half drunk so I just lol'd and went and played Torment.
Lag it's what for dinner!
There is bug with ladders.
If you jump on one, you can't catch it properly and animation is bugged.
(repeating action where you catch ladder)