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  1. #21
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluenoser View Post
    Neat ideas. One that I didn't see mentioned is going the WF Tukaw route: 16 sorc, 2 paladin (for early LOH, bonus to saves, same BAB and hp as fighter though with fewer feats) and 2 rogue (for weak evasion, UMD and light trapping), using THF. No reason it couldn't be an air savant. You would find THF easier on your stats, and it matters less if you don't have the full THF line than if you don't have the whole TWF line (plus, as a WF, you're self-healing, and get racial enhancements to THF). Tukaws seem to use greatswords a lot (SOS and Terror, I guess), but a LitII falchion would crit like mad.

    Food for thought, anyway!
    I've seen the Tukaw build many times in the past, and its popularity and longevity has been testament to its build strengths. It's just not for me

    I wanted a definite working Evasion, fully realised TWF Melee and still carry the capacity for quality damage output from spells. I think I hit the key points and not sacrifice anything major in doing so.

    Tukaw also leverages a great deal of DR from the Docent of Defiance and additional DPS from Guards, which is missing from this build. Instead I've gone for more spell specialisation in Air Savant/Lightning Spells, a 'dodge' style defense in Displacements and damage soak in a decent HP pool. I would also suggest the Melee DPS output in this build would surpass the Tukaw easily.

    Horses for courses, as we say
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  2. #22
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Default Thanks very much Arlathen!

    Thanks very much Arlathen! Super appreciated! :P! !

    P.S. Alignment True Neutral? Edit oops only lawful good or lawful neutral since I think I'm suppose to take level 1 as a monk!

    P.P.S Levelling gear from 7 to 12/12 to 16?

    Anything else gear wise you would recommed as must/nice to haves for the build?

    Again really appreciate you taking time to respond back! :P! !

    Also you did list out the enhancements but I'm a complete dummy on these things a bit more details

    on those would be super awesome! :P! ! Thanks very much in advance again! :P! !
    Last edited by whereispowderedsilve; 05-12-2012 at 05:43 PM. Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  3. #23
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    just curious why in your flavor theroy craft build of a japanese god, why does he swing a middle eastern sword?

    I think your flavor would be spiced right with monk unarmed wind stance iV dark path ninja spy 6 with the electric damage buff on top of the 12 Sorc storm spec rather than fighter.
    oh wait it is motral combat inspired not mythological.... still don;t see raiden swinging a sword, much less a ancient middle eastern one.
    Last edited by t0r012; 05-12-2012 at 09:48 PM.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  4. #24
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    Thanks very much Arlathen! Super appreciated! :P! !

    P.S. Alignment True Neutral? Edit oops only lawful good or lawful neutral since I think I'm suppose to take level 1 as a monk!

    P.P.S Levelling gear from 7 to 12/12 to 16?

    Anything else gear wise you would recommed as must/nice to haves for the build?

    Again really appreciate you taking time to respond back! :P! !

    Also you did list out the enhancements but I'm a complete dummy on these things a bit more details

    on those would be super awesome! :P! ! Thanks very much in advance again! :P! !
    1. Alignment

    Alignment would Lawful Neutral. Go Lawful Good if you want to easily swing Pure Good weapons, but not really needed.

    2. Gear

    I have level 100 Cannith Crafting available with Master Craftsmanship shards. As I'm TRing, my Gear plan is pretty much this:

    Level 1
    All +2 stats items, Light Fortification, 10% Melee Alacrity Trinket, Reflex +4 Item, Attack Bonus +1 items.

    Level 3
    Upgrades to Moderate Fortification, Reflex +5 item, Attack Bonus +2 Items

    Level 5
    Upgrades to all +4 Stat items. Wear Charged Gauntlets for extra some fun/DPS.

    Level 7
    Upgrade to Heavy Fort

    Level 8
    Get the Bracers of Wind from Cannith Challenges. Upgrade them at every opportunity (level 12, 16 and 20).

    Level 9
    Upgrades to +6 Stat Items

    Level 11
    Greensteel Accessories

    Level 12
    Greensteel Weapons

    Level 13 - 19
    Whatever you come across as an upgrade to what you already have.

    Level 20
    Pull Out the Epic gear
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  5. #25
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    just curious why in your flavor theroy craft build of a japanese god, why does he swing a middle eastern sword?

    I think your flavor would be spiced right with monk unarmed wind stance iV dark path ninja spy 6 with the electric damage buff on top of the 12 Sorc storm spec rather than fighter.
    oh wait it is motral combat inspired not mythological.... still don;t see raiden swinging a sword, much less a ancient middle eastern one.
    *Shrug* It's all completely fictionalised at the end of the day. We are playing a fantasy game

    It's a theorybuild at present, when I've got my TR to 20 and worked out the kinks I'll re-post a fuller build with a more appropriate name.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  6. #26
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    1. Alignment

    Alignment would Lawful Neutral. Go Lawful Good if you want to easily swing Pure Good weapons, but not really needed.

    2. Gear

    I have level 100 Cannith Crafting available with Master Craftsmanship shards. As I'm TRing, my Gear plan is pretty much this:

    Level 1
    All +2 stats items, Light Fortification, 10% Melee Alacrity Trinket, Reflex +4 Item, Attack Bonus +1 items.

    Level 3
    Upgrades to Moderate Fortification, Reflex +5 item, Attack Bonus +2 Items

    Level 5
    Upgrades to all +4 Stat items. Wear Charged Gauntlets for extra some fun/DPS.

    Level 7
    Upgrade to Heavy Fort

    Level 8
    Get the Bracers of Wind from Cannith Challenges. Upgrade them at every opportunity (level 12, 16 and 20).

    Level 9
    Upgrades to +6 Stat Items

    Level 11
    Greensteel Accessories

    Level 12
    Greensteel Weapons

    Level 13 - 19
    Whatever you come across as an upgrade to what you already have.

    Level 20
    Pull Out the Epic gear
    Awesome sauce info again! Thanks very much for putting up with my trivial questions!(well not trivial for/to me! :P! !)

    Really appreciate your feedback!

    Any other equipment you would consider from the house c challenges we/I

    play a lot of those!

    Also any other notable named equipment you would consider from any other chains?
    (Vibrant Ioun stone unsuppressed is a must right?)

    P.P.S I'm still a bit confused on the enhancements I'm using Vet status 2 to insta level

    up to level 7 on the boat with the trainer have to spend all my AP now & I see the list

    in the OP but I'm not sure if those are the exact names or not & if there are any

    prereqs for some of them that I must take as well. Again terribly sorry to bother you

    if/whenever you get around to answering! Thanks so much! :P! !

    Have a Happy Mother's Day!

    Edited to add: More specifically which of the Human Adaptability Enhancements am I suppose to take?

    & which of the Human Versatility Enhancements am I suppose to take? Thanks so much in advance again! :P! !
    Last edited by whereispowderedsilve; 05-14-2012 at 10:48 AM. Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  7. #27
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    Awesome sauce info again! Thanks very much for putting up with my trivial questions!(well not trivial for/to me! :P! !)

    Really appreciate your feedback!
    No worries

    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    Any other equipment you would consider from the house c challenges we/I play a lot of those!
    Level 12/16/20 Khopeshes of Water are not a bad option for levelling from 12-20 if you keep them upgraded, especially if you don't have the Greensteel available straight away. Consider getting them to tier 3 as well so you can Mastercraft them and apply Holy & Righteousness for more Damage and To-Hit.

    Preferably though you want the Tier 3 GS Lightning 2 Khopeshes long term.

    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    Also any other notable named equipment you would consider from any other chains? (Vibrant Ioun stone unsuppressed is a must right?)
    Err, not alot really. As I alluded to in my previous post, all my TR twink gear is Cannith Crafted, so *shrug* there's nothing critical during the level up process other than what I outlined in the initial build post requirements.

    Getting your hands on the more end game gear is the challenge really. Triple piece Epic Abishai set (Cloak, Helm, Gloves), dual Lightning 2 Greensteel Khopeshes, Epic Bracers of Wind, Cannith Crafted Attack Bonus +4 item.

    From Shroud you want to get both a HP and SP accessory items as well, one of which its preferable to get Concordant Opposition. Then drop on top of that a Torc from DQ Raid and the Bauble from Weapons Shipment.

    The Vibrant Purple Ioun stone, believe it or not, is a fair bit optional. It's a great Twink item and gives you a decent boost to your SP at low-mid levels, but its not warranted and I preferred to wear a Cannith Crafted Superior Magnetism 3 Trinket of Melee Alacrity 10%. If I was playing a more DC orientated caster where Spell Pen was a concern, I'd jump at a Vibrant Purple.

    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    P.P.S I'm still a bit confused on the enhancements I'm using Vet status 2 to insta level up to level 7 on the boat with the trainer have to spend all my AP now & I see the list in the OP but I'm not sure if those are the exact names or not & if there are any prereqs for some of them that I must take as well. Again terribly sorry to bother you if/whenever you get around to answering! Thanks so much! :P! !

    Edited to add: More specifically which of the Human Adaptability Enhancements am I suppose to take? & which of the Human Versatility Enhancements am I suppose to take? Thanks so much in advance again! :P! !
    Just take enhancements as described where you can. Ensure you take the right pre-req enhancements for Air Savant 1 at level 8 and Air Savant 2 at level 16. It's a fairly linear path in choosing enhancements.

    Take Human Adaptability Strength 1 and then use the other point to balance out any other odd stat as you level up. Final stat spread states to take Charisma as the second point.

    The Human Versatility Action Boost gives you access too all the necessary action boosts. I find its a good combination to launch into Fighter Haste Boost and Human Damage Boost before engaging anything particularly tough in Melee.

    Works a treat
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  8. #28
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    No worries

    Awesome sauce info!

    Works a treat
    Ok that really cleared things up for me! Was able to spec out the enhancements on the vet status airship! Hooray!

    Ya my 1 friend/buddy has had a pair of the ML12 & ML16 khopeshes from the House C challenges they are crazy good!

    Thanks again for dealing with my dumb/trivial questions! Very much appreciated! :P! ! +1 for being so patient!

    1 last question:

    Does it matter if I take the starter monk gear or the starter sorc gear off of the vet status airship/boat from the minotaur?

    Hope your enjoying the beta & this build! Take care TTYS! :P! ! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  9. #29
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whereispowderedsilve View Post
    1 last question:

    Does it matter if I take the starter monk gear or the starter sorc gear off of the vet status airship/boat from the minotaur?

    Hope your enjoying the beta & this build! Take care TTYS! :P! !
    It doesn't really matter that much, but if I had to choose I'd actually choose the Monk gear as you'll melee alot in the early days anyway.

    Personally, if I was 1st life on this build I'd be straight off the boat, junking the gear and heading straight to the crafting hall
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  10. #30
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    It doesn't really matter that much, but if I had to choose I'd actually choose the Monk gear as you'll melee alot in the early days anyway.

    Personally, if I was 1st life on this build I'd be straight off the boat, junking the gear and heading straight to the crafting hall
    Ok great! Thanks! My only crafter is like 20/16/20? Trying to get up to 33 so I can make the masterful craftsmanship shards to lower ML by 2!

    I do have peeps/friends/channel mates in game though that are quite nice that I will help out with other things that have higher crafting levels

    I will be trying to *persuade* them to help me out in this/that regard! xD! :P! ! Lolz! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

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