I'm a returning player who started off close to launch in 06 and probably got burned out and unsubbed by the last quarter of 07. MoTU piqued my interest and I wanted to see if it would be worthwhile picking it up.
When I logged in again recently, I was given the choice of picking 4 characters out of the 11 I previously had. So I picked 4, not really remembering which ones I used to play most. Most of the 11 were maxed out favor/xp.
My first question is, how do I create a new character? I have forgotten a lot and don't want to be a burden to pugs, so I would like to relearn with a new character first. I would prefer to stay on the same server and see if I can find any of the people I used to group with.
My second question is according to http://www.ddo.com/news/601-vip-and-beta-rewards
Played in Beta 250
Used DDO Store in Beta 250
Subscriber on July 31st 999
VIP & Played Less Than 1 Year 400
or VIP & Played 1 - 2 Years 900
or VIP & Played 2+ Years 1,500
Max Points Possible 2,999
am I entitled to 900 turbine points?
Third question is, do I get any points at all for favor earned before? How can I get new points if most of my characters were maxed on favor already before? Might be difficult if I have to run new high level adventures especially since I'm basically back to zero in knowledge of the game at the moment. I've tried creating some new characters on different servers, but I would prefer staying in my original server.
Thanks in advance for any help.