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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default HOrc Barbaian Questions

    I've finally bit the bullet and decided to turn my dwarven barbarian into a half-orc. I have a few questions regarding my new build and would love the help of a DDO guru! I will be doing a 18 Barbarian / 2 Fighter split for the two feats (stunning blow and improved sunder) and haste boosts. Feats are pretty straight forward: THF / GTHF / ITHF / IC: Slashing / Imp. Sunder / Stunning Blow / Barbarian PL / Cleave / Power Attack. I will be maxing strength and constitution then dumping the rest into other random stats.

    Head: Epic Red Helm
    Chest: Epic Mari Chain
    Gloves: Epic Claw
    Bracers: Epic Claw
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Cloak: HP GS
    Boots: Madstone
    Rings: Shintao / FB
    Neck: Shintao
    Belt: FB
    Weapon: ESoS and a bunch of beaters
    Trinket: Litany / Greater Bold

    1. Is the Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude line worth taking?
    2. Assuming a bard is in the party (to cancel out the +1 damage from Greater Bold Trinket), what trinket will be most beneficial to use: Litany of the Dead or Greater Bold Trinket?
    3. Is the Orcish Fury line worth taking?
    4. I plan on taking the half-orc extra boost enhancements (bringing me up to 8 damage and haste boosts), is taking the barbarian extra boosts overkill?
    5. I will be using a 36 point build, allowing me to max constitution and strength. What stats would you suggest I dump the rest of my points into and why?

    Any advice/criticisms would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Community Member smithj_2020's Avatar
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    Feb 2007


    Split rest points into dex and wis or reflex and will saves.

    Only take first orcish fury, you will want to go orcish action boost III to have access to orcish power rage line for that raging strength, barb and orcish power attack lines, barb Con, the regular barb rage enhancements. Fighter strength of course. I have the same build 2 PL barb I'll get on later and list my enhancements
    I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!

  3. #3
    Community Member Ragnar7's Avatar
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    1:No, I think there are better choices.
    2: I think with ESoS on low fort/non-electric immune mobs the bold trinket is probably better. Litany is nice if your Strength is odd and also makes it easier to use silver flame pots.
    3: I agree with Smith 1AP isn't bad for 1st tier, but 2nd tier is only below 25% health. I don't think you'll be low enough on health for long enough for that it will do much after 1st tier.
    4:No, in difficult content you will need all the boosts you can get. The 3rd tier is also a prerequisite for Orc power rage 2, which is great.
    5: I would say look at your what your stats will be with gear at 20 and try to get them all to be 11+ for silver flame pots and put the rest in charisma for intim(which I know you use at times) or dex for slightly less spell damage.

    To me the most important orc enhancements are the extra action boosts,power rage, two-handed damage, and of course Strength/toughness.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by HarryCrumb View Post
    I've finally bit the bullet and decided to turn my dwarven barbarian into a half-orc. I have a few questions regarding my new build and would love the help of a DDO guru! I will be doing a 18 Barbarian / 2 Fighter split for the two feats (stunning blow and improved sunder) and haste boosts. Feats are pretty straight forward: THF / GTHF / ITHF / IC: Slashing / Imp. Sunder / Stunning Blow / Barbarian PL / Cleave / Power Attack. I will be maxing strength and constitution then dumping the rest into other random stats.

    Head: Epic Red Helm
    Chest: Epic Mari Chain
    Gloves: Epic Claw
    Bracers: Epic Claw
    Goggles: Tharnes
    Cloak: HP GS
    Boots: Madstone
    Rings: Shintao / FB
    Neck: Shintao
    Belt: FB
    Weapon: ESoS and a bunch of beaters
    Trinket: Litany / Greater Bold

    1. Is the Orcish Great Weapon Aptitude line worth taking?
    2. Assuming a bard is in the party (to cancel out the +1 damage from Greater Bold Trinket), what trinket will be most beneficial to use: Litany of the Dead or Greater Bold Trinket?
    3. Is the Orcish Fury line worth taking?
    4. I plan on taking the half-orc extra boost enhancements (bringing me up to 8 damage and haste boosts), is taking the barbarian extra boosts overkill?
    5. I will be using a 36 point build, allowing me to max constitution and strength. What stats would you suggest I dump the rest of my points into and why?

    Any advice/criticisms would be much appreciated!
    For gear wise on this build i went
    Weapons: ESOS

    Armor: EMari

    Helm/Cloak/Boots: Abishai ( if you would rather have madstone and dragon helm swap those out but abishai cloak is the best cloak for just about any toon)

    Bracers/Gloves: Claw

    belt/ring: FB

    neck/ring: shintao

    goggles: GS45HP ( Thanes for when you are not tanking)

    Trinket: Litany PLIS or Brawns Spirt

    If you want more dps i would use
    Red dragon helm
    Gem of facets
    bracer/cloak/boots- Abishai

    Feat wise you are good although i did take mine differently:
    THF x3
    Toughness ( Replacing with IMP Sunder is not a bad idea though helps the party more)
    PL: Barb
    Power Attack
    Stunning Blow
    IC: Slashing

    for your questions
    1. No
    2. Litany
    3. only if you dont have any other places to spend it otherwise no
    4. Take them all
    5. int for skill points ( intim + balance = max), otherwise it does not matter.

    Mroks Ova: Orien

  5. #5
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    You know orcish fury doesnt stack with rage spell?

  6. #6
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan_Milic View Post
    You know orcish fury doesnt stack with rage spell?
    Good point.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
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