Anyone have a stat or thread on this? Been trying to find how many d20 it is can't find anything.Curious because have everything to finish my Tier 3 wraps, oh what's the proc rate
Anyone have a stat or thread on this? Been trying to find how many d20 it is can't find anything.Curious because have everything to finish my Tier 3 wraps, oh what's the proc rate
I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!
from the wiki (
"Fiery Detonation: Essentially fires off a enhanced fireball centered on your target when you roll a 20 + critical confirm. 15d6 fire damage, standard fireball AOE and graphical effect. DC34 Reflex save for half.
Other tier 3 martial specials work the same but deal different damage types matching their element."
Haha thanks, maybe I should look closer or maybe open my eyes ^^
Found that thread too, so after all the EPIC LoBs a Lit II kopesh still out DPS a Alchemical.....anyone else find that ridiculous and a joke?
Last edited by smithj_2020; 05-01-2012 at 07:27 PM.
I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!
yeah, well the alchemical is crazy-stupid-insano good against trash. frankly, for all the optimisation that goes on for the raid bosses and such in this game, it confuses me... i find that i spend a lot more time dealing with trash than with raid bosses. and most of the hard quests in the game are hard because of trash. epic velah? has been figured out for years. throw in some epic trash? groups were wiping for a while until they figured out how to deal with them. people bring along bards to deal with the epic trash in that quest. you know who they bring along to deal with velah? whoever they can get, because it doesn't even matter. in fact, most raids i've been in have absolutely no interest in determining just exactly how much raid boss DPS you contribute. they simply don't care. it isn't even important. nythirios is a chump. his shadow fiends are what kills raids.
you know how many times i've gotten into epic chronoscope on a caster without being screened for my DC on crowd control? you know how many times i've seen anyone even bother asking what the to-hit is on a melee going into that raid? or what their damage modifier is?
melees spend all this time complaining because casters can kill trash faster than them. so lo and behold, the ultimate trash beater weapons are introduced. the response? "meh. they don't do as good boss DPS".
i've seen very few groups get crushed by raid bosses. most of the time, the challenging content i've seen... is challenging because it has powerful trash.
I completely agree. I made alch wraps on my monk. I don't use them for bosses, we have greater banes for that, I use them for utterly destroying trash. They pump out SO much more damage than just about anything else in the game. Oh yeah, and they have +10 stunning so you can do +50% on almost all mobs while still using a max DPS weapon.
Then again, most people don't use des/imp des or bother with Imp sunder because **** group DPS!
I'm not saying I completely disagree, but your ToD example seems way off. The way you manage shadows is by having one arcane tank or kite them, so in this case trash DPS doesn't even enter into the equation. They disappear as soon as the boss goes down, so again boss DPS is everything. Hell, even if you did fight them, aren't they red-named? If I'm right about that one of the factors that sets apart trash from boss weapons, i.e. trash-only mods like insta-kills, wouldn't apply either.
*shrug* the ToD example was merely to show that the trash is usually more dangerous. if you prefer, i could ask how many times you've seen groups fail because of the judge and/or jailer, and how many fail because nobody does anything about all those fire elementals and/or hell hounds. of course, that fight is generally not considered to be a major challenge... but i assure you, that fight without someone dealing with the trash, it will get challenging really fast when your characters start catching 150-200 point DBF shots 5 times in as many seconds
(especially if it hits your healers and they don't have good saves and/or resists and/or evasion).
If you need a good example: Try running echrono without dealing with any of the trash.
Matt Walsh:
But Truth is eternal, so it can never be old or new. It never ‘was’ or ‘will be.’ It just ‘is.’ It always ‘is.’
You make some silly assumptions here that I do find ridiculous yes.
A tier 3 trip air khopesh can break devil raid boss dr so in raids it does out dps the lit II khopesh. If theres an arti you get deadly instead of silver which again makes it better than the lit II.
And it has heightened awareness 4 an effect you have to drop your dps on a shroud item to get. It comes with stunning 10 which you can not get on any other khopesh.
It comes with a stacking dex 2 which while not a deal breaker is an extra reflex save, balance check, ac etc.
It's more dps against neutral mobs.
Even without all that 6% doublestrike is a multiplicative factor so unless you are doing really really poor dmg it's a big bonus that exceeds a lit II in any and all situations.
I don't understand all the hate for alchems they are so good.
Uhhh its not my assumption...I didnt calculate the DPS if you click and Take a look....
Yea the dps is good on trash im not complaining about that, Im complaining that the amount of time it takes to actually build a "trash beater" is a little ridiculous...
earlier...Casters to melee...Melee complain casters kill trash faster...
Not me, I find it funny they can breeze thru epics solo like nothing, that includes bosses....Melee even with trash beaters cant do that...(FVS, maybe couple other self heal builds)
I was just saying I find it funny how a T3 alch takes quite a time to make, considering Epic LoBs are a pain in the rumpski.....but a Lit II Kopesh can be made relatively quick and simple, without having to run epic stuff...thats all..
Dont matter to me I just want the alch wraps....
I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!
This, and it does other things as a 'bonus' that you would normally have to use a much weaker weapon to get.
And raid boss DPS is almost totally irrelevant in all the hardest content anyway. Groups don't wipe because LOB DPS is sub-par, they wipe because pillar DPS in the last phase is sub-par. This isn't WOW where raid boss DPS matters.
There is exactly one raid encounter where lower DPS matters and that's part 5 of elite Shroud, which if you've ever seen a blade-induced wipe you'd know why. The 5 minute time limit there is not strict at all.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
tier 3 is not the tier where it becomes really good against trash anyways, so... while i would hesitate to say you can get tier 2 quickly (honestly, i don't know... i have yet to get around to flagging a character for the raid yet), i can definitely say that it does not require epics. and from what i've heard, LoB on normal (which is sufficient to get a T2 alchemical weapon, as i understand it) is somewhat challenging, but not overly so.