Hello all,
im currently levelling up a Cleric (my first) and Id like to plan his TR.
Im thinking of going Human Clonk as Ive heard they have great survivability/ soloability.
Ive searched around the net and cant seem to find a Clonk guide anywhere that can help me make the right decision. Ive seen that 18/2 is considered the best option and that there are melee and caster variants - solo builds and healing builds and many other options including feat choices and feat order, not to mention class choice order.
To make matters more difficult, im unable to open the imported character planners in the posts ive read (i surf from my phone) so im not getting any info there either.
Because I dont fully understand the builds, i dont know what type of build to ask for so Im hoping if I give a little info on my playstyle and my goals that someone might be able to advise me on the path I should take.
Here is some info.
34 pt
I wish go human for the extra feat
all +2 tomes available
pref 18/2
good soloability (due to RL commitment)
i would like RS 1&2
I would like excellent blade barriers
I wont be a raid healer but would like to be able to heal well in quests if the need arised
once capped he will TR straight away so wont run endgame raids or Epics
if possible im thinking melee style until i get BB then caster/ kiter oriented
Any advice, guidance, thoughts on stats, feats, class order, playstyle would be much appreciated indeed.
Many thanks