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  1. #1
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Default Monk gear-where to put GS hp item (probably minII)

    Ok so far I have:

    Gloves: Eclaw* (done)
    Bracers: Level16 Bracers of wind with +1 crafted dodge* (done)
    Docent:Queerforged docent of battle (done)
    Goggles:Eravens sight* (done)
    Helm:alchemists crown-for the +6 wis (will be Efrost*)
    Trinket:Stalwart (will be Egem*, just need base item)
    Cloak:EEnvenomed* (done)
    Belt: Spare hand teir3 (only teir1)
    Ring1: Heavy fort (will be holy burst-have a holy bursted +6str/+1con)
    Ring2:+5 protection (unsure-have teir1 Estalker, would love Eseal of the earth)
    Boots: +6 dex (will be Ecorrosion*, just missing scroll)
    Necklace: Alchemists Pendent (done, for the GS20hp and +1ki)

    *=essentially set in stone

    Wondering where people put their GS hp item on an AC monk. Will be WF (unideal, I know) and probably 12monk/6pally or fighter/2pally or ranger or fighter. At the moment is 12monk/7rog/1fighter more of a dps build)

    Boots/Helm/Cloak are taken up by abishai
    Gloves are Eclaw
    Bracers are dodge +3/+1
    goggles are Eravens

    Which basically ONLY leaves necklace, belt. So either...

    Maybe can swap in Espare hand when stuns aren't landing (probably in epic situations where the +5 prot from a minII isn't that useful) and have a minII belt?

    Or a minII necklace and forgo the +1 ki on hit-which I must admit is very nice. And the potential to use tod sets is nice too, when I get those rings.

  2. #2
    Community Member karhon's Avatar
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    Have you thought about replacing necklace and ring #1 with the ToD henshin mystic set? (Oremi's necklace)
    Will net you 6 wis, con, +1 ex con and +1 ki. And replacing ring #2 with the ring from the CC event for +7 dex and prot +5.

    As for the GS hp item, I'd loose the belt for it. If you haven't completly dump stated wisdom you should get your DC's high enough that those +5 from spare hand will feel a bit redundant imo (some people love that belt though)

  3. #3
    Community Member EatSmart's Avatar
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    how about epic grims bracelet in neck (+3 dodge), scorched bracers, and min II helmet?

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  4. #4
    Community Member karhon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatSmart View Post
    how about epic grims bracelet in neck (+3 dodge), scorched bracers, and min II helmet?
    Not sure how much is worth going that route for him, since the armor bonus from the scorched bracers and the armor bonus he gets from docent do not stack. Also on the wind bracers he can net +1 Dodge bonus to AC via cannith crafting compared to Epic Grim's.

    Though for AC WF I'd suggest going for Epic Blademark's Docent since he can net up to +2 to his armor bonus to AC compared to the IQ docent.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Don't have grims epicced yet (need seal, I hate epic small problem) but that certainly looks tempting.

    Escorched bracers are +8 armor-but as a WF all I really get from that is 30 FR and a green slot.

    But grims also has a +7 str (perhaps evens out in future) and another greenslot.

    It's -1 dodge AC though as I dunno where I would slot that.

    The cove ring looks solid...+7 dex and +5 protection, then can slot heavy fort somewhere else.

    Can maybe use just the ki+1 cannith necklace with 20GS hp, so will be down 25hp from a minII...not ideal but probably OK in most situations.

    Any other thoughts?

  6. #6
    Community Member karhon's Avatar
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    Except to swith to the Epic Blademark's docen't, that's pretty much it from my side. Someone more experienced might provide better input though.

  7. #7
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    AC gear that you're missing:
    Trinket: Upgraded Head of Good Fortune: +2 Dodge
    Cape: Epic Cloak of Flames: +4 Heighten Awareness
    Helm: Cove Hat: +5 Natural Armor

    As others said cove ring is nice for ac builds as well. Just tossing out some options if you wanted to go full on AC. So your only real options for an hp gs item that wouldn't conflict with ac gear you currently have and the gear I mentioned is boots, belt, or necklace. At least that looks like the easiest way to top off your ac with your current gear layout.

  8. #8
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    The cove ring looks solid...+7 dex and +5 protection, then can slot heavy fort somewhere else.
    A MinII item already has +5 protection and heavy fort.

    The Cove ring isn't really all that great for a monk. The +7 dex is nice but the rest is kind of useless if you have a MinII item. The +2 luck is really nice for rogues but doesn't mean a whole lot for monks either. I guess the slot is useful but to be honest there are a multitude of other places I would put that slot.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarallanpoe View Post
    A MinII item already has +5 protection and heavy fort.

    The Cove ring isn't really all that great for a monk. The +7 dex is nice but the rest is kind of useless if you have a MinII item. The +2 luck is really nice for rogues but doesn't mean a whole lot for monks either. I guess the slot is useful but to be honest there are a multitude of other places I would put that slot.
    Yep, a minII item has +5 protection and heavy fort-was talking about using the ring for +5 protection, slotting heavy fort elsewhere (maybe the green slot in ring itself) and forgoing the GS item altogether.

    Would be down 25hp from a full minII (teirIII hp on necklace) but might make gearing a bit easier/simpler.

  10. #10
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    Would be down 25hp from a full minII (teirIII hp on necklace) but might make gearing a bit easier/simpler.
    Possibly. I know it is pretty much inconsequential but you also lose a bit of concentration because the Min II adds to your Constitution skills. Small detail, I know, but worth noting nonetheless.

    Being WF really limits what you can do because of the lack of access to the Frozen Tunic. Access to the tunic would give you the +1Ki regen and you could slot a +6 Con on any of the epic gear...including the Tunic's colorless slot.

    This is an interesting discussion because I was considering a WF as my next toon.

    Given the monk levels, have you considered a Dwarf? Dwarves get the con bonus without the hit to Wis that WF get. They also have access to the tactics line that WF have. No WF PA, but it is something to consider.

  11. #11
    Community Member Asmodeus451's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Yep, a minII item has +5 protection and heavy fort-was talking about using the ring for +5 protection, slotting heavy fort elsewhere (maybe the green slot in ring itself) and forgoing the GS item altogether.

    Would be down 25hp from a full minII (teirIII hp on necklace) but might make gearing a bit easier/simpler.
    my advice would then be:

    figure out what your Hp will be at cap, with gear (not too hard to do), then decide if 25 more is worth the headache
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  12. #12
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asmodeus451 View Post
    my advice would then be:

    figure out what your Hp will be at cap, with gear (not too hard to do), then decide if 25 more is worth the headache

    Similar advice - Make ConOp bracers. If you're going to get hit, get hit. If you're pushing AC, toss on the Wind bracers.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  13. #13
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    figure out what your Hp will be at cap, with gear (not too hard to do), then decide if 25 more is worth the headache
    Not that simple. The appeal of a Min II item is that it stacks several very beneficial things on one item. A MinII item has 45hp Heavy Fort, +5 protection and a bonus to all Con skills.

    Yes, you can get all of those thing through various other items, but having all of that on one item is *extremely* nice. If you had a MinII item it would allow for the use of the Shin necklace which also has a +1 Ki and +6 Con but when paired with a the Shin ring is *way* more powerful.

  14. #14
    Community Member smithj_2020's Avatar
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    My setup: (Helf)
    Helm: MIN II
    Goggles: Epic time sensing
    Trinket: reader head +2 dodge
    Necklace: shintao / epic grims
    Ring 1: kyoshos w/ holy Burst
    Ring 2: epic stalker t3
    Body: frozen tunic
    Boots: epic boots of corrosion
    Cloak: epic envenomed w/ +2 good luck
    Bracers: epic scorched w/ toughness
    Belt: epic spare hand
    Wraps: Alchemical T2

    I find helm is best spot but I'm not sure for a WF since scorched and docent are same, but every other spot you will want for another item you can't go without, possibly necklace is spot or bracers or you
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  15. #15
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    I find helm is best spot but I'm not sure for a WF since scorched and docent are same, but every other spot you will want for another item you can't go without, possibly necklace is spot or bracers or you
    I would highly advise *against* going the necklace route as you will eventually want to use one of the monk necklaces from ToD/Shavarath quests for the set bonuses. That is probably somewhere down the road but definitely something you will not want to neglect.

  16. #16
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Are you going to end up with enough AC to make all of this worthwhile? What is your goal for this character? Is it just having enough AC to not get hit in 6-man hard quests? Elites? Epics? Is it so you can tank? And if tanking, which raids?

    If you aren't tanking, you don't really need the eClaw gloves on.
    If you are tanking, you don't really need the Spare Hand on (it's nice for Improved Sunder and Unbalancing Strike, but I don't know if you have or use either of those, and it isn't necessary).

    Honestly, WF has always seemed like a poor deal for an AC toon. You miss out on +4 Dodge from Icys, and are scrambling for other places to slot stuff around your docent.
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  17. #17
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    Are you going to end up with enough AC to make all of this worthwhile? What is your goal for this character? Is it just having enough AC to not get hit in 6-man hard quests? Elites? Epics? Is it so you can tank? And if tanking, which raids?

    If you aren't tanking, you don't really need the eClaw gloves on.
    If you are tanking, you don't really need the Spare Hand on (it's nice for Improved Sunder and Unbalancing Strike, but I don't know if you have or use either of those, and it isn't necessary).

    Honestly, WF has always seemed like a poor deal for an AC toon. You miss out on +4 Dodge from Icys, and are scrambling for other places to slot stuff around your docent.
    Anyone planning on tanking really should have at least 2 gear sets - one for tanking, one for DPS. Alternatively, you may even have TWO tanking sets - one where AC is important, and one where you slot on more amp.

    I don't think one gear set is going to do it all; that's trying to do way too much.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  18. #18
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Anyone planning on tanking really should have at least 2 gear sets - one for tanking, one for DPS. Alternatively, you may even have TWO tanking sets - one where AC is important, and one where you slot on more amp.

    I don't think one gear set is going to do it all; that's trying to do way too much.
    That was basically my point, that the Spare Hand is in the non-tanking gearset, and if the OP is just looking for AC in 6-man quests when grouping, the eClaw gloves aren't a necessity all the time.

    Honestly, I can't imagine a monk that isn't slotting +4 Dodge, +2 Dodge, and +8 AC (the Quori-Forged is giving +7) is hitting enough AC to be tanking raid bosses on anything above normal, and, personally, I decided that it wasn't worth all the epic gear to tank non-endgame fights, but that's me.
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  19. #19
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    That was basically my point, that the Spare Hand is in the non-tanking gearset, and if the OP is just looking for AC in 6-man quests when grouping, the eClaw gloves aren't a necessity all the time.

    Honestly, I can't imagine a monk that isn't slotting +4 Dodge, +2 Dodge, and +8 AC (the Quori-Forged is giving +7) is hitting enough AC to be tanking raid bosses on anything above normal, and, personally, I decided that it wasn't worth all the epic gear to tank non-endgame fights, but that's me.
    With AC.

    I could totally see a ninja-spy, earth-stance, DoD plan for tanking some bosses, but that's a different world. I could also see an amp-focused one with Sun Stance / Jidtz / Claw as well.

    When not tanking, I'd want a Sneak item too, right? Maybe even threat reduction or remove claw ... and add the Spare Hand back.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  20. #20


    For me, I'm going to do the epic stalker ring, slot it for dex in the colorless and get a dex +3 tome. Same dex result as the ring for me that way with more useful stuff.

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