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  1. #1
    Community Member kazlady's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Default Ladoona Project - an update

    Hey guys,

    Thanks for the positive feedback. A few things happened to slow this down. Since I was not guilded for most of this project, getting groups for things started to get difficult so it was slow going. I stopped working on Ladoona for a while to gain crafting levels as well so I could make gear that I wasn't pulling so now have a level 110 crafter and Ladoona is sufficiently geared (note I said sufficiently, not awesomely :-)). That and the fact that I am also working on finishing my Bachelor's degree, starting a family with my husband and running three businesses while doing this, things got a little hectic so I had to slow down a bit.

    A few things I'd like to say as I near the end of the first life on this 32-point character:

    1. Gear - because I refused to farm anything, Ladoona has not been able to take advantage of some of the most awesome loot in the game. She doesn't have decent dragontouched or full plate of the defender or even a pair of decent greensteel scimitars for that matter. I will admit, Ladoona is a little bit gear gimped though with tweaking on feats and enhancements I have managed to survive. The lesson I took away from this is that it doesn't matter if you have all the latest gear on your toon, the game is definitely playable and enjoyable when you build your characters sensibly and treat the people in your group with a modicum of respect. That said, now that Ladoona is capped, once I get the last of my quests and raids done, I will probably go farm the exact gear I would like for her just because it would be nice to have :-)

    2. Quest/raid difficulty - something I hear often about the less popular quests in this game is that they can't be done at level. With this build I feel that I have proven that every quest CAN be done at level and even at level on elite though I will admit some of them take more strategy than others. The Pit was not nearly as bad as I expected mainly because I respected the tactics of it and thought it through while playing it. It is not a quest you just blindly jump into with 10 minutes before you have to leave when you don't feel like communicating with your group. Proof Is In the Poison and Stealthy Repossession fall into the same categories. I found the most difficult quest in the game on elite was a tie between Gianthold TOR and the Vault of Night Raid. Both take a significant amount of tactical engineering and communication for the group not to fail. I found that even though I was in a PUG, building the group using people that wanted to communicate respectfully and work together was the key to success.

    3. Loot - my experience from this project is that the really good loot does drop at level on elite. I ran through Chronoscope at level on elite (remember, I started this before epic existed) and in one run got four of the five pieces of the Might of the Abishai set. The only piece remaining was the cloak which I have since obtained and have started a build that will get a bonus from every trait on the set. I'll add the link to the post once I put it up on the forums.

    4. Acknowledgements - I would like to say thanks to many people for helping me with this project. I could never have done it without their help and advice on how to set up my enhancements and feats so I was somewhat useful in the groups and giving me tactical suggestions on how to succeed in a quest that was especially difficult. Their willingness to think outside of the box and try new things was greatly appreciated. Some of these include my husband, Deathsblade, my now friend Kages (I met him on the Chronoscope elite for this project), and several players who regularly joined my PUGS knowing what they were getting themselves into. Nymphia, Silentsinger, and Purplemartin are only a few of them. Everyone who has been part of this project THANK YOU! I cannot say it enough.

    Here is a link to the screenshot of my current Adventure Compendium so you can see how pretty it is :-) (for whatever reason I am NOT allowed to post attachments)

  2. #2
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    And you did every quest exactly once?
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

    "Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

  3. #3
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    I did a similar thing for my second life Rogue. It was nice to unlock Vet Status II straight away. I think I'm up to about 3400 favour or something, missed a few things as was primarily leveling.

    What's your build? Hardest quests to do elite? VIP (to open)?
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Welcome to Dungeons and Dragons Online, and thanks for playing!
    Build Index

  4. #4
    Community Member kazlady's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Default Abbot complete

    And here's the screenshot from completing Abbot Elite

    Yes I am VIP so I have access to the entire game. I only completed each quest once though some of them took many, many runs to complete once. There was no farming of any kind, gear, xp or otherwise.

  5. #5
    Community Member kazlady's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Default Build

    and here's the thread for the build. It has changed to defender of siberys since then but still the same stats.

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