At some point i knew these were weapon only. After 6 months of ignoring cannith crafting guess i forgot.
Oh well off to decon them
At some point i knew these were weapon only. After 6 months of ignoring cannith crafting guess i forgot.
Oh well off to decon them
Last edited by crazydamage; 04-28-2012 at 03:57 PM.
mate its on weapon slot only atm...way different from epic blood stone
basically useless
Rittz, Lesliea, Reze, Serravee, Eclare
Can only be crafted on a weapon or shield as far as I've been aware. Not even sure that Seeker +8, even if someone found it to be useful, can even be crafted unbound. That doesn't even approach the potential worth issue.
Something's not stirring the kool-aide here.
Khyber: Evandus, Halfdeadd, Licoricewhip, Sawyn, Elkabongg, Brothanumsi, Soulbro, Cromix.
And an army of gimp experiments!
I'm willing to offer as much as 20 greater Air essences. Each.
I will buy it for 25 greater Air essences.
And I will donate the shard to the local brass band of Khortos.
Goat, Sammich, Poultry