Boots of Corrosion
Planar Gird
Caparison - +8 wis
Terrorweb Chittin Plate - +8 wis
Terroweb Chittin Breastplate - +3 insightful STR
Seal of House Don'Robar - 4% dodge, Maiming, +10 shatter, 10% hamstring, +7 CON
Seal of House Szind - +7 int, +68 potency, Wizardry IX
Spinner Chain:
Luminous Truth x 1- 1 FRDs
Doublcross Bow x 1 - 1 FRDs
Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets- 1 LDS
Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy X 2- 1 LDS
Kundarak Delving Suit - 1 LDS
Belt of Mroranon - 1 FRDs
Cloak of Silver Concord - 1 FRDs
Ring of Silver Concord- 1 FRDs
Gloves of the Claw x 2- 4-5 FRDs
Ring of Venom x 1 - 1 FRDs
Ravens Sight x 1- 1.5 FRDs
Souleater x 1- 1 FRDs
Bracers of the Claw x 2 - 2 FRDs
Ring of Mire -1-2 FRDs
Sirens Bracers X 2- 1 FRDs
Ring of Venom- 1 FRDs
Elder Focus x 2- 1 LDS
Robe of Dissonance- 1 LDS
Elders Cap- 1 LDS
Sacred Band - 1 FRDs
Sacred Helm - 1 FRDs
Frozen Plate - 1 FRDs
Shatter Bow - FRDs
Staff of Nat Gann- 1 FRDs
Hellfire Crossbow- 1 FRDs
Martial Cannith Power Cell x 2 - 3 FRDS
Mystical Power Cell x 1 - 2 FRDS
House p:
Utility Vest- 1 FRDs
Garos Malice- 1 FRDs
Grims Bracelet x 3- 1.5 FRDs(each)
Brawns Spirits x 2 - 1.5 FRDs
House D:
Winters Wrath- 1 LDS
Jidz-Tet'Ka Bracers x 2- 1 FRDs
Blademark's Docent x 2 - 1 LDS
Chimera's Crown- 1 FRDs
Midnight Greetings x 2 - 2 FRDs
Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger - 1 LDS
Firestorm Greaves- 1 LDS
LDS x 12
Black Dragon Scales - 4
Blue Dragon Scales - 2
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