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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Rahkir's Set Bonus

    The Archmage Set Bonus is sad. It was never that good, and it has been further nerfed into the ground by new items. Most wizards use it rarely for the Efficacy clickie, and that's about it. Worse still, if you *wasted* your 5 AP's on the pathetic Archmage V Enhancement you get an almost useless super short-term boost to your CL that will basically never be up when you want it to be up (ok, you can keep it up when nuking, but it boosts the damage of your already weak wizard nukes by so little that it's barely worth the trouble).

    Suggestion 1: If you have Archmage V, your Caster Level is permanently increased by 2.

    Suggestion 2: If you have Archmage V, your Spell Penetration is increased by 2 (this stacks with all other sources of Spell Penetration).

    Suggestion 3: If you have Archmage V, your Spell Penetration is increased by 2 (this stacks with all other sources of Spell Penetration), and there is a temporary chance that your spells will deal 10% more damage.

  2. #2
    Community Member LafoMamone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Faent View Post
    The Archmage Set Bonus is sad. It was never that good, and it has been further nerfed into the ground by new items. Most wizards use it rarely for the Efficacy clickie, and that's about it. Worse still, if you *wasted* your 5 AP's on the pathetic Archmage V Enhancement you get an almost useless super short-term boost to your CL that will basically never be up when you want it to be up (ok, you can keep it up when nuking, but it boosts the damage of your already weak wizard nukes by so little that it's barely worth the trouble).

    Suggestion 1: If you have Archmage V, your Caster Level is permanently increased by 2.

    Suggestion 2: If you have Archmage V, your Spell Penetration is increased by 2 (this stacks with all other sources of Spell Penetration).

    Suggestion 3: If you have Archmage V, your Spell Penetration is increased by 2 (this stacks with all other sources of Spell Penetration), and there is a temporary chance that your spells will deal 10% more damage.
    Agreed. At this time, there is no point going AM 5, as the last set of SLAs are pretty terrible across the board, and the set bonus leaves a lot to be desired for that kind of investment.

    Also, you waste 6 APs by going AM5, not just 5.

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