Nothing really explosive if u know what i mean (monk multiclass is fine!)
32 points cant do and Wf / Helf cant do either , solo ability a plus and so is healing ability.
Nothing really explosive if u know what i mean (monk multiclass is fine!)
32 points cant do and Wf / Helf cant do either , solo ability a plus and so is healing ability.
Wow really? The first 3 threads in this forum are threads on FvS evoker builds. You take "use the search function" to a whole new level.
Lol, I was thinking exactly the same thing.
Bhask the Unseen 21 Rog(tr 3), Tangoh 15 Barb(tr life 3),Domand d'Jorasco 18/2(tr4 )sorc/paly BF, Nilock 20(tr life 3), Domandi 20/8 1st life shuriken thrower.
yeah i know , but i made this thread b4 they put it up.
Do we really need another evoker thread? there's like 250 of them already. Just go for impaqt's build, it's friendly.
Nerdrage/Endgame ~ Sarlona
Ekkehart (human PM) - Hammet (WF AM) - Cerussite (helf THF kensei) - Anordineth (helf dark monk)
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