Okay so here's what I was thinking. I'm going for a melee focused character that can self heal and have access to both divine and arcane buffs. I recently earned enough renown to unlock the favored soul class. Half elf would give me access to sorc dilly for arcane buffs via wands and scrolls. FvS as a class itself has decent HP and BAB and I've seen tons of melee FvS running around (mostly warforged though).
So what I have so far is:
32 point build (new character)
Class: FvS
Race: Half-Elf
Sorceror dilitante feat
Now that we have that out of the way, I need to start planning stats, feats, etc. And that's what I need help with. For stats I was thinking maybe:
STR: 16
DEX: 15
CON: 14
INT: 8
I was thinking of taking undying court for my class feat and dual wielding scimitars. I am open to dropping dex and bumping CON or a casting stat and and going THF. Would save me feats too. Really undecided on that one.
Can someone help me out with this one? Is there a build out there somewhere like this that I can use for reference? Thanks in advance for any advice.