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  1. #21
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macrovox View Post
    Wax – once again you’ve given me much to think about. But, I don’t have time to look into it this morning.

    Off the cuff I’m thinking that taking another non-fighter level means (in my case fighter level 10 due to level banking) costs 1 fighter feat (plus the 2 extra meta feats) and ftr haste boost IV. BAB is a wash b/w cleric 7 and fighter 10.

    Cleric: Another cost of taking two more metafeats is the cost to cast from a decreased spell point pool. I don’t have time at the moment but I will run the numbers of simply taking empower healing with the Fvs build. I’ll also figure out my actual sp after gear for each build.

    In the meantime, thanks for the input.
    I'd suggest 9 fighter, 8 cleric, 3 rogue (or effectively 7/8/3). You lose some feats; WF:S, WS:S, Cleave, Great Cleave, OSTWF, Combat Casting I think. Feat list is something like: TWF*3, Stunning Blow, Toughness, PA, IC:S, Maximise, Empower, Empower Healing, Extend, EWP: Khopesh.

    With this setup you lose 3 ab and 2 damage but gain 4 ab from Divine Power and CL:10 Divine Favour (with robe of duality swap in) and 1 damage (from divine favour). Overall that's +1 AB, -1 damage which isn't too bad.

    If you swapped back to 2 monk you can add back in WF/WS:S for +2 AB, +1 damage overall.

    8 cleric gives Deathward, Freedom of Movement and Divine Power as level 4 spells along with Cure Critical Wounds which will hit for almost 300/pop for 70 SP if maxed out but leaving it with all metamagics off will still give 97 HP for a measly 20 SP.

    Radiant Servant burst will cure for 128/pop and hit for ~250 vs undead and it cures negative levels and stat damage as well. You'll get 13 of these/day and they regenerate 1 every 2 minutes (so in a 10 minute run between shrines you'll have 17 at your disposal or almost 2200 HP of 0 SP healing that can't be interrupted (unless you get tripped of course).

    Perhaps craft a GS conc-opp +6 strength, 20% healing amp, 30% healing amp khopesh for use in the offhand? Not sure what your final build is but I can't imagine that this item wouldn't continue to be useful in the future.

    1 disadvantage is that the build will be at ~-3 reflex save. Certainly an issue but there are ways around it (reflex slotted chaos armour for when it's really needed (fleshmakers brigadine is really nice), attention to saves in general when it isn't).

    Heal scrolls will be at 75% from caster level. If you manage even 75% from UMD that will be close to a sure thing (6.25% chance of failure?).

    I'd look at more rounded stats to fit in trap skills. Possibly: 16 strength+level ups, 15 dex, 14 con, 14 int, 14 cha, 8 wis? This gives 5 skill points/level which should be enough to max concentration, UMD and disable device (find traps spell will help search but extra points go here too when possible). Probably take first rogue level at 1, second at 7-8 (when your +2 int tome kicks in), third at ~15 (just at a guess).

    Wouldn't happen to be able to make a radiance guard DT? Nice guard and the SA vs blind mobs would be excellent for leveling.

    Sorry to go on a bit, some ideas just capture my imagination I suppose
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Sorry to go on a bit, some ideas just capture my imagination I suppose
    Nah, don't be sorry, this is god stuff.

    I like the idea of CCW, Divine Power, DW & 10% more healing (I’ve got Kundarak Delving Boots – so no need for FoM). Other than the 4th lvl 4 spell, what’s the advantage of 8 Cleric over 7. Also, is the 3rd Rogue for an extra d6 S/A? I plan to have much agro.

    About RS I: The bursts are great, and I haven’t ruled it out. But here is some of what I’m working through.
    1) I’m not at all worried about interrupted spells. With my current build it happens infrequently and when it does I simply cast another. (Note this is w/o Combat Casting; just concentration AP.) So, uninterrupted bursts solve a problem that doesn’t really exist.
    2) Curing negative levels and stat damage is nice, and so is double damage to undead. But resto pots and heal scrolls will address the first, and Fighter haste boosts will help with the second.
    3) The point of the build is to take advantage of my gear (Con Op & Torc). RS I doesn’t care, and using bursts will likely mean a full and unused bluebar. This may too be over-solving a problem.
    4) The burst animation is not quick; how does it relate to CSW? I’m wondering about decreased DPS not interruptions.
    5) Keep it simple – Favored Soul does not require unneeded enhancements (Imp Turning I & Imp Heal II), has a pared down spell list (all I need is CSW and CMW for backup), comes with more spell points and doesn’t require starting stat shift from Str to Char for extra bursts. Often the simple solution is the best solution.

    If I drop cleave/great cleave for empower/empower heal with nearly 700 spell points 12/6/2 Fighter Favored Soul Evasion may work just fine. With starting stat (Wisdom or Charisma) of 8, +2 ship buffs, +6 item and GS +150 item, my spell points should look like this:
    Cleric 6 = 470
    Cleric 7 = 509
    Cleric 8 = 553
    Fvs 6 = 690
    Fvs 7 = 754

    I’ve got a little time before TR to kick this around. Maybe I’ll try a non-geared version of Ftr/ Cleric with my vet 7 status to see how it plays. Of course I’ll have to delete a bank mule and find the time to do it. In the meantime thank you for the input and let me know what you think of the above ramblings.

    Quote Originally Posted by karl_k0ch View Post
    Another thread, which aims for similar things, but comes to different conclusions is this:
    I'd also like to spend some time on Karl's link. I'll get to that later.

  3. #23
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wax_on_wax_off View Post
    Heal scrolls will be at 75% from caster level. If you manage even 75% from UMD that will be close to a sure thing (6.25% chance of failure?).
    The game doesn't combine your caster level and UMD - it just uses the highest one. So 75% from caster level and 75% from UMD would mean a 25% chance of failure.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  4. #24
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    Once the new enhancement system comes out, perhaps a halfling fighter with healing dragonmarks?
    (They may reduce the feat cost to one feat on dragonmarks.)

    Thanks for the tips, good reading.

    Half Elf with Cleric Dilly is nice, used it with a light monk life.
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 04-29-2012 at 11:01 AM.

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