This has probably been asked. Recently I got an Epic Brimstone Verge with Epic Combustion VIII on it. This affects all the damage for Prismatic Spray right? Not just the fire aspect?
This has probably been asked. Recently I got an Epic Brimstone Verge with Epic Combustion VIII on it. This affects all the damage for Prismatic Spray right? Not just the fire aspect?
Yes. If you boost any part of a multi-type spell, you boost *all* damage from that spell. Primatic spray will take the best of Fire, Acid or Electric damage/crit enhancements, items, and other benefits (note that you can also mix-and-match, so if you have major electric lore, superior combustions wand, and full acid specced lines, you will get the benefit of all)
I don't think Prismatic ray/spray is affected by force enhancements or items at all, as i see no physical damage except for the 3 elemental types., and thus no force/untyped damage. I could be wrong about this.
Yes. Also, if you have lore item and enhancements, the highest one counts towards damage dealt.
Example: You're ice and electric based sorc, you've no enhancments for acid damage at all. You wear superios ice lore item. Mob is hit with acid damage from prismatic spray and it's critical. The damage is calculated by taking higher amplification value, depending on your enhancements, let's say your higher is ice. Crit multiplayer is taken from superior ice lore item in this case.