I'm looking to trade my shroud ingredients for Scrolls. I will take mats for these scrolls
And no. Not epic SCrolls.
My Bard uses these scrolls all the time, they are far more valuable to me than vale/shroud mats will ever be
Small ingredients This INCLUDES depleted energy cells, and ANY and ALL VALE mats
100 Scrolls of Stoneskin
100 Scrolls of Fireshield
100 Scrolls of Divine Power
100 Scrolls of Elemental Weapons
50 Scrolls of Greater Heroism
50 Scrolls of teleport
50 Scrolls of Motes of Lightning
50 Scrolls of heal
25 Scrolls of Greater Teleport
Medium Ingredients This INCLUDES depleted energy cells
100 Scrolls of Heal
50 Scrolls of Greater Teleport
100 Scrolls of Greater Heroism
100 Scrolls of Motes of Lightning
Scroll of Power Word : Kill X 1
Scroll of Deadly Weapons X5 (Schemes of the Enemy Gives this as a reward) Hint Hint. Hint Hint. HINT HINT!!!!!
Scroll of Death Aura X1
Scroll of Sunburst X1
Scroll of Trap the Soul X 1
Scroll of Summon Monster IX X3
Scroll of Radiant Forcefield X1
Scroll of Silver Weapons X1
Scroll of Planar Weapons X1
Scroll of Ressurection X 25
Scroll of True Ressurection X5
Scroll of Mass Heal X3
Large Ingredients Trading for RARE scrolls only, or Pots.
Scroll of Power Word : Kill X 3
Scroll of Death Aura X3
Scroll of Sunburst X3
Scroll of Deadly Weapond X10
Scroll of Trap the Soul X 3
Scroll of Wail of Banshee X1
Major Mnemnonic Pots X10
Scroll of Summon Monster IX X 5
Scroll of Radiant Forcefield X3
Scroll of Silver Weapons X3
Scroll of Planar Weapons X3
Scroll of ressurection X50
Scroll of True Ressurection X10
Scroll of Mass Heal X5
Contact Kashien in game for trade. I'm always on from 6:30 pm Central/ 7:30 Eastern to Midnight Central, 1am Eastern.