I'm trying to decide on what tank-gear setup to use on my stalwart tank. I'm still in his TR process (he's on 9th life at the moment), but on his 12th life he's going back to a sword n' board tank.
Weapon - Epic Templar's Justice (2 variants, one with silver and one with adamantine slotted)
Shield - Levik's Defender
ESOS for trash and Lit II Dwarven Axe for when I'm tanking bosses without DR.
Quiver of Alacrity
Epic Envenomed Cloak (With Toughness)
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Belt of Existential Stalemate (Cha skill item)
Cinder's Band (With +20% heal amp)
Connor's Band (With +2 Exceptional Strength)
Epic Gloves of the Claw
Epic Boots of Corrosion (With Greater False Life)
Stalwart Necklace
Epic Brawn's Spirits (With +2 Luck)
Epic Helm of Frost (With Disease Immunity)
Epic Bracers of the Claw
Dragontouched Full Plate (With 10% heal amp, 20% heal amp and Radiance Guard)
Supreme Tyrant Green Steel Goggles of Dust (+45 HP)