Maj, Kookie, and others:
I'm not sure how easy this would be to do - but you might manage to get more attendance at Dev Events by publishing the Dev Event dates in the Lammania game launcher.
Something to consider!![]()
Maj, Kookie, and others:
I'm not sure how easy this would be to do - but you might manage to get more attendance at Dev Events by publishing the Dev Event dates in the Lammania game launcher.
Something to consider!![]()
Well, I believe that the server wipes are a part of the process that they HAVE to do. You know: a non-optional alternative.
Though, I believe that feedback through to Maj and Kookie has resonated correctly that the players do not want to have to keep making and remaking their characters. The time spend on this is not productive testing time. I was under the impression that "the plan" included a method to "level and gear," or "character copy (and gear)" which would be a little easier. At a minimum, less time consuming.
If that feedback has not resonated properly, let it do so now: time spent leveling up characters is not necessarily helpful in previewing and testing new content.
(Unless, of course, that new content IS leveling up characters related.)
I do understand the server wipes from time to time. I have been posting about the remaking of toons and gear for well over 9 months. Maj and I have had several PM's back and forth over this as has Kookie. Nothing has changed nor will it. It is part of the program. I fail to see how the 20-30 people daily. That regularly do log on Lammy are testing much. The only time there are more then a hand full is during a Dev event. And we know really how little gets done then.. Waiting in a line to get leveled or get 1 item.. But I have always been very open as to how I feel on this. Some day maybe some one will get a clue..
Yes, I think that the events were in fact a fine way of boosting testing which otherwise would not have been possible to be carried out with the regular number of testers.
I espcially find those mass fight insightful. They might not look like much, but it is imho a great (and fun I love those mass fights !![]()
) test situation where several parameters (in fighting) can be tested which would otherwise be very difficult to get through with a fairly limited amount of testers.
To me, these events are a win-win situation.
The only thing (okay, this is a minor bickering from my side) is some actual in-game chat with the developers via the chat window (I'm still not that much a friend of voice chat, although I had used it once and listened to others). A bit like a "questions & answers" session.
Which could become a bit difficult, of course, if you look at how fast & easily words are spread around the forums. And if the devs are in NDA, then it is even more difficult for them to chat about the upcoming stuff, I guess.