I wanted to stop and let you know that I really appreciate all the support that the DDO community has given DDM's Realm over the years.

With the new expansion coming out I have decided to upgrade DDM's Realm DDO Quest and Item database again. The great thing about this upgrade is that it will allow me to make some big changes, tweaks and additions to both the back end data and front end presentation.

I have a handful of my own changes to make the database better. However, I wanted some input from the community about what you would like to see in the database and what functionality you would like to have within it.

I can't make any promises that I can add in everyone's thoughts and ideas but if I can get some good additions in I will.

I am hoping to have the new database up and running and ready to get loaded up with all the good stuff that is bound to be coming with Menace of the Underdark.

Thanks for all your thoughts, ideas, and support!

Play smarter, not harder!

Check out the current database here: http://www.ddmsrealm.com/ddo/