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  1. #1
    Community Member JeisonBlade's Avatar
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    Default Human Light Monk

    So I've been having fun playing with my monk-splashed ranger, and its gotten me psyched up to do a full monk earlier than planned (was gonna do a couple paladin lives first to build up some healing amp since this is gonna be a long-term toon)

    Anyways, Its a 36pt build, she'll be Human (I dont own half elf or half orc, and I have a deeply ingrained prejudice against halflings due to a PnP game with a GM that has serious mental health issues), and with +3 DEX and CON tomes (+2 all others). I'm liking Light monk for the self-sufficiency (its important with our TR groups) and likely be TRing fairly quickly after capping

    The two main things are should I max out starting WIS at 18 or is 16 good enough

    Two, I like Earth stance as a primary stance while leveling, assuming I'm not going to stay 20 long and TR quickly, do I really need a backup grandmaster stance. If so I know everyone seems to like Air, but would Fire be just as good (then I can drop DEX to 14 for TWF, and salvage a couple build points)

    Ability Scores, Option 1 (earth and air GM stance prereqs)
    STR 16
    DEX 15
    CON 15
    INT 8
    WIS 16
    CHA 8
    Ability Scores, Option 2 (maxing out WIS; is the extra +1 mod worth -2 STR mod?)
    STR 12
    DEX 15
    CON 15
    WIS 18
    CHA 8

    Feats (DM feats prolly aren't optimal, but I've been itching to try em out, and if they dont work out, well thats what siberys shards are for )
    Lvl 1; Two Weapon Fighting
    Lvl 1 Human; Toughness
    Lvl 1 Monk; Stunning Fist
    Lvl 2 Monk; Diehard
    Lvl 3; Least Dragonmark of Passage
    Lvl 6; Lesser Dragonmark of Passage
    Lvl 6 Monk; Power Attack
    Lvl 9; Improved TWF
    Lvl 12; Improved Critical: Bludgeon
    Lvl 15; Greater TWF
    Lvl 18; Improved Sunder (or who knows, mebbe Greater DM of Passage)

    I've been playing around in an enhancement planner but I havent come up with a setup that Im truly comfortable with yet, but those are easy enough to respec and play with.

    I have alot of monk-friendly wraps and gear banked already, and I can farm out challenge gear like the spare hand belt.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    If you go with option 2 you will need to take weapon finesse or you will have serious difficulty hitting things in late game content.

  3. #3
    Community Member JeisonBlade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgarallanpoe View Post
    If you go with option 2 you will need to take weapon finesse or you will have serious difficulty hitting things in late game content.
    yea thats what i was worried about
    The more I think about it tho, the more I'm thinking going with this...

    STR 16
    DEX 14
    CON 16
    INT 8
    WIS 16
    CHA 8

    and just going Earth and Fire. I'm alot more comfortable with those stats than either of the sets above

  4. #4
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    In general, never max a stat on a monk. You get so much out of so many.

    Also in general, never spend AP on Fire stance. You in essence spend 9 AP for +1 to hit and +1 to damage, which is a brutal trade.

    For a self-sufficient group, I really think you'll get a lot more out of Wind stance: perma-haste and no run speed penalty.

    Feat-wise I would advise swapping around:
    2 (monk): Improved Sunder
    12: Diehard
    18: Improved Critical

    Improved Sunder is really good, Shintao 1 is really pointless, Improved Critical on an unarmed build is not that great. (If/when you ditch the dragonmarks, it'll be easier to fit things in in a timely manner.)

    Human and Monk is the best Healing Amp combination in the game, I suggest you go all out. When you start getting back 2s and 4s from Healing Curse, things get very interesting.

  5. #5
    Community Member SensaiRyu's Avatar
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    He'll need diehard at or before lvl 6 (shintao I pre-req).

    Personally I took resilience for added saves. Had diehard and never used it. Others take Cleave or Luck.
    Stay Hasted My Friend.

  6. #6
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SensaiRyu View Post
    He'll need diehard at or before lvl 6 (shintao I pre-req).

    Personally I took resilience for added saves. Had diehard and never used it. Others take Cleave or Luck.
    The idea is to not take Shintao 1 at 6, because who cares about Shintao 1? Store up the AP and take both Shintao 1 and 2 at 12.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by SensaiRyu View Post
    Others take Cleave or Luck.
    I have had a marvelous time with Cleave and Greater Cleave. The only real utility comes from proc effects on wraps, but GC'ing an entire room full of mobs with paralyzing wraps is a sight to behold. Great fun was had by all.

  8. #8
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeisonBlade View Post
    yea thats what i was worried about
    The more I think about it tho, the more I'm thinking going with this...

    STR 16
    DEX 14
    CON 16
    INT 8
    WIS 16
    CHA 8

    and just going Earth and Fire. I'm alot more comfortable with those stats than either of the sets above
    The stats look good as long as you have a +1 and a +3 dex tome handy. You'll need to push TWF to level 3 and iTWF to level 12 though.
    I'm a non-conformist, just like all my friends

  9. #9
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Your starting stats are pretty much the same as my monk. (I used 2 build points to start with a 10 INT and got Combat Expertise as my shintao prereq.) One of the nice things about playing a human is that you can divide up your level ups as well. Earth stanced I run around with a 38 STR/CON/WIS which works out pretty well.

    Since you will have access to the Paladin Past life feat, pick up the purchasable version. Being able to cast your own Divine Favor is really nice on a melee. If the enhancement revamp works out like MadFloyd mentioned a few months ago, you will have a feat open up for this.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  10. #10
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Also in general, never spend AP on Fire stance. You in essence spend 9 AP for +1 to hit and +1 to damage, which is a brutal trade.
    yeah, but.....
    going max amperage mean you want that 25% from jidz bracers. which means fire stance.

    I have a human healing amp monk (not past lives, yet) and my stats are much like your option 1 (minus a couple wis for 32 pointer)

    Dmarks are tough but , if ya like them more power to ya , as you seem to hit all the 'must haves' and still fit them.
    I'd consider tossing in stunning blow as I find it remarkably effective even not all maxed out str and most of the time running with vamp stonedusts which are only +6 stunners.

    like you are going to need another hot bar button , but keep trip on your bar as well. I am shocked at how often it lands on casters with no vertigo item. heck even up though necro4 and even reavers I was still tripping some melee. not every time but often enough.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  11. #11
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    yeah, but.....
    going max amperage mean you want that 25% from jidz bracers. which means fire stance.
    Absolutely, but it doesn't mean you have to spend any AP on it.

  12. #12
    Community Member t0r012's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Absolutely, but it doesn't mean you have to spend any AP on it.
    but if your going to be in fire might as well get the extra str out of it for stunning blow/trip DC , to hit and damage. sure it sucks compared the the other stances but if your going to be in it might as well get full benefit.

    PS and the exra Ki really does help.
    Move along , Nothing to see here

  13. #13
    Community Member Shishizaru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by t0r012 View Post
    but if your going to be in fire might as well get the extra str out of it for stunning blow/trip DC , to hit and damage. sure it sucks compared the the other stances but if your going to be in it might as well get full benefit.

    PS and the exra Ki really does help.
    I think the point is that you won't ALWAYS be in it. Don't get me wrong, I like Fire Stance a lot. It is, however, difficult for me to justify such a heavy AP investment for marginal benefits. You get the 25% regardless of what tier you are. Moreover, ki generation is not a strong argument for taking higher tiers of fire stance, as the bulk of the benefits are available at base tier.

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