Well, had a bunch of fun with it.

Play the provided quest through to completion: with a Wizard and then with a Harcore (permadeath) Barbarian.

Can't help but thinking that the game really comes close to "borrowing" from d&d ...

Diablo Diamond Skin = kinda like d&d stoneskin
Diablo Blur = kinda like d&d blur

okay, not really an apples to apples but for example I don't recally either of those in the 1st diablo and maybe i'm stretching a bit but still...

anyway, was a bunch of fun.

however... at times difficult to log on and play - of course it's a beta so no issue there.
but really annoying is having to be logged onto battlenet while playing - why the hell is that so? why does one really need to be logged on , from a single player perspective?

clearly the game isn't designed to take things like lag into consideration and when you lag, you die... just plain stupid imho.