My old thread was getting really cluttered, and it was mostly just for eChrono scrolls, so I decided to put up a new one. Let's get these off my hands Got my tome pages! Woot!
Grayed out text indicates that the scroll is currently out of stock
- Boots of Corrosion *sold
- Scorched Bracers *sold
- Envenomed Cloak *sold
- Helm of Frost *sold
Other eChrono
- Diabolist's Docent
- Diabolist's Robe
- Timeblade
- Hellstroke Axe
- Hellfire xBow
- Staff of Nat Gann
- Infested Armor
- Gem of Many Facets
- Luminous Truth
- Flameward
- Golden Guile
- Templar's Bulwark
- Templar's Bastion
- Templar's Retribution
- Templar's Docent
- Midnight Greetings *sold
- Ring of the Elemental Essence *sold
- Deneith Heavy Chain
Stuff that I'm looking for, in order of preference
- LDS, maybe other larges for the cheaper scrolls
- Plat
I'm a pretty reasonable seller, so make me a reasonable offer PM me here on the forums.