So I have a greatsword melee FvS getting about shroud time. Not a complete cha and wis dump but close.
So anyway by time he starts running shroud I'll have 5 scales ready to make a double shard.
Dilema 1:
Do I go litII sword or con op acc?
I have been leaning towards con op but wanted to get some feedback.
Dilema 2:
If I do go con op do go major heal lore or full 150 SP?
Full sp sounds a bit more useful as I solo alot and when I'm not and am tossing heals I'm not counting on them critting so if it does crit they tend to be overheals. I mean sure it is nice when you are just topping yourself off with mana efficient smalls to get a crit and only have to cast once but still. Then again being low on SP is never really an issue as if I think I'm getting low I just toss nonmetaed BBs and swing a extra time or two.
So anyway what do you all think? Sword or accessory? Major lore or full SP?