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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011

    Default Tons of tr ahead (Barb)

    Hello there,

    First char, first life: a 19 Barb / 1 Fighter.
    I want to become Wayfinder's hardest tank with also decent DPS.

    That's why I want to tr 3x Barb, 3x Paladin, 3x Monk, 3x Fighter, 3x Ranger lifes (in some random order)
    Possibly all other casters 1x for completionist. Since I hate playing casters (in any game) I will probably do some 6 Barb / 6 Fighter / 8 Caster. I don't want to read in this thread how awesome casters are; thanks

    Final life: Not sure. Possibly a 20 Barb for the sake of +8 str / +8 con when raging.

    My questions to you:
    - I love HP. The 1300 HP stalwart defender fighter probably has too little DPS to be soloable (with hire and silver flame pots) ?
    - Is there any class I should skip or (caster) run more often to become stronger ?
    - Is it worth waiting until the leveling to 25 is implemented ?
    - In ddo wiki I read about "past life: feat Warrior of the wild" and the such: Are those worth it ?

    Thanks for your input

  2. #2
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Default Is it worth it ?

    Ive done a few Tr's and i can see the benefits.

    But i have a 20 Ho Barb that was str/con maxxed from the start.

    I cant see the point of taking through loads of Tr's. I mean what exactly does he gain ?

    Not much from what i can see

  3. #3
    Community Member Crusad's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    +2 ranged damage and 2 elemental resistances from ranger past life are really small benefit. For me that wouldnt be worth doing so much past lives. Same for the barbs 20hp - doing 8,7M xp just for 20hp is seems crazy (but maybe not for you ) If you want perfect melee 3ftr, 3pal, and 3 monks are more than enough. Do 1 of the rest if you want completionist.
    Khyber - Cobryn, Calvyr, Panrry, Metroplex, Rakosniczek

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    For tanks I believe healing amp is the biggest gain from past lives so 3 Paladin lives would give you the most bang for your buck. Also even on a TR2 the increase in XP required becomes noticeable early on, so it make sense to do the lives that give you the most benefit first.

    Also from TR3 onwards you can max your STR and CON and still have some points left over to increase DEX to boost your reflex save. This might be useful, but I am sure more experienced players will be able to confirm whether this is the case.

    If after 3 Paladin lives you are determined to continue, then congratulations on your dedication. After that I would probably consider 3*Fighter then 3*Monk, then 3*Barb, then finally 3* Ranger (although as a poster said the benefits of Ranger aren't very much). Then do one life each for the rest of the classes for completionist, et voila, you have the ultimate tank. Of course then you have to grind out the ultimate tank gear also........

    To be honest though, the Paladin lives will give you by far the biggest benefit for your time - the rest will add comparatively little. Even a single Paladin life, will mean your TR3 will have a 36 point build, 10 extra HP and 5% extra healing amp, all of which are nice.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the interesting feedback.

    Now I'm inclined to tr first into Paladin before testing my beloved pure 20 Barblevel
    Speaking of rangers, the 6 elemental resistance is not much but can save life sometimes. And since Skar's credo is to never die, that's ok. Besides with throwing axes the +2 ranged buff will still work ?

    I'm not sure whether its worth to buy monk class for the +3 damage. (Is it +3 weapon damage after all ?) and the fighter past life feat increases the chance to hit slightly, right ? Might come handy in Epics.

    My gear is somewhat halfway in that epic shape I want it to be (Antique greataxe, Brawn's spirit). P.S.: I'm a dwarf

  6. #6
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    It's worth doing one fighter life, probably, for the active feat (+1 to MDB of armor and tower shields, +2 intim). Not sure about three fighter lives, the to-hit and tactics bonuses are not nearly as useful as other lives.

    The bonus to base damage from monk lives is great if you're threat tanking (which is most tanking). Also you mention "great dps" and nothing benefits DPS more than monk lives.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    your doing the tr's in the wrong order..

    start pal, monk x3, pal 2 + 3, fighter...

    doing monks last which has the most benefit to the power of your tr'ing is madness...
    Camp Naughty Bad Fun
    Jichael Mackson

  8. #8
    The Hatchery
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    Aug 2011


    My personal opinion is that, if you are not an hardcore xp fan, you should start with the past lives that benefits your final build the most.
    This way, if you ever got bored of TR-ing, you can stop, take a break from the leveling and be as much as effective as you could be with that many past lives.

    For a tank, which is the best past life bonus? I'm no expert but i guess the extra healing amp would be pretty cool.
    And paladin also happens to be a good final life for a tank, due to the high saves, interesting prestige ehnancements, etc.

    So my advice is: grab a paladin life, then start another paladin life as your third life (1st barb, 2nd pal, 3rd pal).
    This way you benefit from a 36 points build (which won't get any better), some bonus hp and some bonus healing amp.

    Now, when you're at the end of your third life, with your planned tank build, start asking yourself questions: would +3 damage per hit do any difference? (my own opinion is no, but it's up to you to decide) Would another +10% healing amp let us succeed where we failed?
    At that point, you can decide if the bonus you can gain from more TR is worth the time or not.

    Good luck

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011


    Yeah, thats exactly what i'm going to do
    Tested already some favorrunner Pal on a different server. Wasn't too great with 8 Charisma^^

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