Divine Might....
I built for it on my not-really-a-clonk melee cleric (with 2 monk levels) and regret how I did it. That being said, my advice is keep it in mind, but don't specifically go out of your way for it. If you can't get DMII or higher, the obnoxious casting time makes DMI useless. I would try to get DMII (CHA 16) with a +2 tome...so starting CHA 14...then if sometime you are amazingly lucky and pull a +4 tome, DMIII is possible.
Point-for-Point CHA+DM is a better value than STR as long as you can hit....as long as you can hit...as long as you can hit...which requires constant upkeep of DP/buffs and every piece of +atk gear you can squeeze in (and hopefully a bard)...
Both STR and CHA have synergies...STR is dmg and AB....CHA is dmg and # of turns.
Anything over 12 starting points....
2 points STR = +1atk/+1dmg
2 points CHA = +2dmg/+1turn
I started with 12 Strength on mine... + 3 level ups + 6 gear + 2 tome = 23 STR w/o buffs
I swing 2 Dwarven Axes, and have OTWF so -2atk. Handwraps will not have this handicap negating the 3 level up's in STR.
I hit just fine most of the tme with a +5/+6 bard and power attack on. I do have to turn PA off at times for Bladesworn Paladins and such, and do not suggest taking PA on a low STR build as I did (and the forums unanimously agreed I should take at the time over Imp Crit...grrr).
I do NOT have my warpriest's ToD set yet, NOR do I have my completed fabricator's set which together will add another +4 to attack (would be +6, but I'll be replacing the Sora Kell set)
Exceptional stat gear, cannith crafted +atk gear, and guild augment slots (which I do not have) can easily push this higher. I've found easily slotted cleric friendly items are more easily used to augment your to-hit and push the value of DMII (or in my case DMIII) well above the value of increased STR.
The OP being a caster-cleric with a minor in melee, should value the increased damage of Divine Might more than the increased "always-on" value of STR. "Powering-up" for melee trash, Ki generation, and Stunned/held Mobs with increased damage is more valuable than the modest increase the slight bump to STR provides by completely ditching CHA along with the extra turns it provides while in "healer" mode.
Furthermore...a Mob being held, stunned, or otherwise in a helpless condition (extremely relevant to a stunning fist caster-clonk) will recieve +50% damage...meaning all things being equal, the choice between raising CHA from 12 or STR from 12 to 16 via a +2 tome and 2 stat points will see STR at +3 damage and CHA (qualifing for DMII) at +6 damage making Divine Might even more valuable for a caster-clonk then STR as long as constant vigilance via gearing for to-hit is maintained. Pulling a +4 tome for DMIII brings it to +9 vs. helpless making it an insane no-brainer.
Edited a bunch for typos, clarity, and my own personal example....before anyone else posted...bad habit of mine...will try to be more clear from the start in the future