Many seem to agree that AC is an issue. Many also agree that a wider range of AC should be viable.
Personally I think all AC numbers from 1 to some high number compared to a mobs to hit modifier should do something for you if you bump it up by a point.
So here is the slightly less simple AC solution that I am sure could be tweaked some...
I call it the 25/50/25 solution.
How it works is a mob rolls a percentage dice for each attack (kind of like what they do now regarding incorporeal miss chance and such). This roll then determines what range of ACs they are now rolling to hit as follows.
If they roll 1-25 (25% chance), they then roll a dice equal to (their to hit bonus +10)/2 (from the original to hit score they had) and they then hit all ACs less then or equal to that amount. So a mob that has a +79 to hit now who rolled 1-25 on the initial d100 (or 25% of the time) would then roll a d45 as their actual to hit roll. So 25% of the time the mob would just whiff against anyone with a 46 or higher AC and then would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 1 to 45.
If they roll 26-75 (50% chance), they then roll the same secondary dice as above but they add the size of that dice to their to hit roll. So in the +79 to hit mob example it would be 1d45 + 45 that they rolled. So 75% of the time for that mob they would whiff against a 91 AC toon and 50% of the time they would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 46 to 90.
If they roll 76-100 (25% chance), they then roll the same secondary dice as above but they would add twice the size of that dice to their to hit roll. So in the +79 to hit mob example it would be a 1d45 + 90 that they rolled. So 25% of the time that mob would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 91 to 135.
There would be no auto hit/miss chance in this system as it would be redundant. Same goes for grazing hits they would be done away with also.
Crits would be threatened on rolls from the first dice rolls proper percentage (ie a 20 crit range would be 5% of the time so 96-100, 19-20 would be 10% of the time so 91-100)...this could instead be shifted to the secondary roll in the proper AC ranges to preserve full adherence to top end of the AC rolled strictly being tied to critical threats.
Change to hit rolls (for everyone) to two rolls. First is a 1d100 that determines what modifier is added to the second roll. Second roll = 1d((the mobs to hit bonus +10)/2) + modifer based on first roll. The modifier added from the first roll 25% of the time is 0, 50% of the time is equal to the dice of the second roll, and 25% of the time is equal to that same dice times two.
This would make AC ranges 1 through (monsters attack bonus* + 10)*1.5 increase the miss chance from a monster for each additional point of AC added with the middle third of that range resulting in twice as much benefit. So the midrange matters twice as much as the very low and very high end.
Some math will follow in later posts.