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  1. #1
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Default The slightly less simple AC solution

    Many seem to agree that AC is an issue. Many also agree that a wider range of AC should be viable.

    Personally I think all AC numbers from 1 to some high number compared to a mobs to hit modifier should do something for you if you bump it up by a point.

    So here is the slightly less simple AC solution that I am sure could be tweaked some...

    I call it the 25/50/25 solution.

    How it works is a mob rolls a percentage dice for each attack (kind of like what they do now regarding incorporeal miss chance and such). This roll then determines what range of ACs they are now rolling to hit as follows.

    If they roll 1-25 (25% chance), they then roll a dice equal to (their to hit bonus +10)/2 (from the original to hit score they had) and they then hit all ACs less then or equal to that amount. So a mob that has a +79 to hit now who rolled 1-25 on the initial d100 (or 25% of the time) would then roll a d45 as their actual to hit roll. So 25% of the time the mob would just whiff against anyone with a 46 or higher AC and then would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 1 to 45.

    If they roll 26-75 (50% chance), they then roll the same secondary dice as above but they add the size of that dice to their to hit roll. So in the +79 to hit mob example it would be 1d45 + 45 that they rolled. So 75% of the time for that mob they would whiff against a 91 AC toon and 50% of the time they would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 46 to 90.

    If they roll 76-100 (25% chance), they then roll the same secondary dice as above but they would add twice the size of that dice to their to hit roll. So in the +79 to hit mob example it would be a 1d45 + 90 that they rolled. So 25% of the time that mob would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 91 to 135.

    There would be no auto hit/miss chance in this system as it would be redundant. Same goes for grazing hits they would be done away with also.

    Crits would be threatened on rolls from the first dice rolls proper percentage (ie a 20 crit range would be 5% of the time so 96-100, 19-20 would be 10% of the time so 91-100)...this could instead be shifted to the secondary roll in the proper AC ranges to preserve full adherence to top end of the AC rolled strictly being tied to critical threats.


    Change to hit rolls (for everyone) to two rolls. First is a 1d100 that determines what modifier is added to the second roll. Second roll = 1d((the mobs to hit bonus +10)/2) + modifer based on first roll. The modifier added from the first roll 25% of the time is 0, 50% of the time is equal to the dice of the second roll, and 25% of the time is equal to that same dice times two.

    This would make AC ranges 1 through (monsters attack bonus* + 10)*1.5 increase the miss chance from a monster for each additional point of AC added with the middle third of that range resulting in twice as much benefit. So the midrange matters twice as much as the very low and very high end.

    Some math will follow in later posts.
    Last edited by Cyr; 04-20-2012 at 01:39 PM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    To Hit 10
    Secondary Dice Size 10
    AC / Chance to be hit / Effective % damage reduction for this AC compared to one less
    1 100%
    2 95% 5%
    3 93% 3%
    4 90% 3%
    5 88% 3%
    6 85% 3%
    7 83% 3%
    8 80% 3%
    9 78% 3%
    10 75% 3%
    11 70% 7%
    12 65% 8%
    13 60% 8%
    14 55% 9%
    15 50% 10%
    16 45% 11%
    17 40% 13%
    18 35% 14%
    19 30% 17%
    20 25% 20%
    21 23% 11%
    22 20% 13%
    23 18% 14%
    24 15% 17%
    25 13% 20%
    26 10% 25%
    27 7% 33%
    28 5% 50%
    29 2% 100%
    30 0%
    Last edited by Cyr; 04-20-2012 at 01:58 PM.
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  3. #3
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    What the hell was that!
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  4. #4
    Community Member Teharahma's Avatar
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    You may want to redo the second post
    Sweep Pick or Die!
    Quote Originally Posted by JollySwagMan View Post
    But in terms of actual quest ideas, perhaps something where Halflings ride around on Warforged in battle-backpacks with shoulder-mounted repeating crossbows.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    To Hit 79
    Secondary Dice Size 45
    AC / Chance to be hit / Effective % damage reduction for this AC compared to one less
    1 100%
    2 99% 1%
    3 98% 1%
    4 98% 1%
    5 97% 1%
    6 97% 1%
    7 96% 1%
    8 96% 1%
    9 95% 1%
    10 94% 1%
    11 94% 1%
    12 93% 1%
    13 93% 1%
    14 92% 1%
    15 92% 1%
    16 91% 1%
    17 91% 1%
    18 90% 1%
    19 89% 1%
    20 89% 1%
    21 88% 1%
    22 88% 1%
    23 87% 1%
    24 87% 1%
    25 86% 1%
    26 86% 1%
    27 85% 1%
    28 84% 1%
    29 84% 1%
    30 83% 1%
    31 83% 1%
    32 82% 1%
    33 82% 1%
    34 81% 1%
    35 81% 1%
    36 80% 1%
    37 79% 1%
    38 79% 1%
    39 78% 1%
    40 78% 1%
    41 77% 1%
    42 77% 1%
    43 76% 1%
    44 76% 1%
    45 75% 1%
    46 74% 2% <- About as much less damage as a blur grants (still stacks of course)
    47 73% 2%
    48 72% 2%
    49 71% 2%
    50 69% 2%
    51 68% 2%
    52 67% 2%
    53 66% 2%
    54 65% 2%
    55 64% 2%
    56 63% 2%
    57 62% 2%
    58 61% 2%
    59 59% 2%
    60 58% 2%
    61 57% 2%
    62 56% 2%
    63 55% 2%
    64 54% 2%
    65 53% 2%
    66 52% 2%
    67 51% 2%
    68 49% 2%
    69 48% 2%
    70 47% 2% <- Not that rare for AC invested, but not pimped toons or all AC toons to hit this AC
    71 46% 2%
    72 45% 2%
    73 44% 3%
    74 43% 3%
    75 42% 3%
    76 41% 3%
    77 39% 3%
    78 38% 3%
    79 37% 3%
    80 36% 3% <- Old system this is 95% of the time
    81 35% 3%
    82 34% 3%
    83 33% 3%
    84 32% 4%
    85 31% 4%
    86 29% 4%
    87 28% 4%
    88 27% 4%
    89 26% 4%
    90 25% 4% <- Old system this is 50% of the time
    91 24% 2%
    92 24% 2%
    93 23% 2%
    94 23% 2%
    95 22% 2%
    96 22% 3%
    97 21% 3%
    98 21% 3%
    99 20% 3% <- Old system this is 5% of the time
    100 19% 3%
    101 19% 3%
    102 18% 3%
    103 18% 3%
    104 17% 3%
    105 17% 3%
    106 16% 3%
    107 16% 4%
    108 15% 4%
    109 14% 4%
    110 14% 4%
    111 13% 4%
    112 13% 4%
    113 12% 5%
    114 12% 5%
    115 11% 5%
    116 11% 5%
    117 10% 6%
    118 9% 6%
    119 9% 6%
    120 8% 7%
    121 8% 7%
    122 7% 8%
    123 7% 8%
    124 6% 9%
    125 6% 10%
    126 5% 11%
    127 4% 12%
    128 4% 14%
    129 3% 17%
    130 3% 20%
    131 2% 25%
    132 2% 33%
    133 1% 50%
    134 1% 100%
    135 0%
    Last edited by Cyr; 04-20-2012 at 01:52 PM.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Krago's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    So 25% of the time the mob would just whiff against anyone with a 46 or higher AC and then would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 1 to 45.
    So AC > 46 I only get missed 25% of the time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    So 75% of the time for that mob they would whiff against a 91 AC toon and 50% of the time they would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 46 to 90.
    So AC > 46 now gets missed 50% of the time on a higher roll percentage roll from the mob?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    If they roll 76-100 (25% chance), they then roll the same secondary dice as above but they would add twice the size of that dice to their to hit roll. So in the +79 to hit mob example it would be a 1d45 + 90 that they rolled. So 25% of the time that mob would have an equal chance of rolling any AC from 91 to 135.
    So AC > 90 gets missed 25% of the time?

    Obviously some numbers are needed because from what I can glean, if my AC tank had an AC score of 91, this is what I gather:
    Mob % roll
    1-25 -> My 91 AC gets missed 25% of the time, meaning I take a hit 75% of the time.
    26-75 -> My 91 AC gets missed 50% of the time, meaning I take a hit 50% of the time.
    75-95% -> My 91 AC gets smashed 95% of the time.

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    Krago - Dwarven Barbarian

  7. #7
    Community Member Krago's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyr View Post
    To Hit 79
    Secondary Dice Size 45
    AC Chance to be hit Effective % damage reduction for this AC compared to one less
    1 100%
    125 6% 10%
    126 5% 11%
    127 4% 12%
    128 4% 14%
    129 3% 17%
    130 3% 20%
    131 2% 25%
    132 2% 33%
    133 1% 50%
    134 1% 100%
    135 0%
    I think that with those odds, AC is still very broken.
    3 Rules to Life

    1.) "Dont teach a pig how to sing because it wastes your time and annoys the pig."
    2.) "Never wrestle a pig in mud, because you get dirty and the pig enjoys it."
    3.) "Never argue with an idiot because people watching cannot tell the difference."
    Krago - Dwarven Barbarian

  8. #8
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krago View Post
    So AC > 46 I only get missed 25% of the time?

    Nope, you are automatically missed 25% of the time with that AC.
    So AC > 46 now gets missed 50% of the time on a higher roll percentage roll from the mob?

    75% of the time the mob rolls to hit an AC number 46+.
    So AC > 90 gets missed 25% of the time?
    AC = 91 gets missed 75% of the time.
    The higher you get your AC within the window upto 135 the more you get missed (for 100% miss at 135).
    Obviously some numbers are needed because from what I can glean, if my AC tank had an AC score of 91, this is what I gather:
    Mob % roll
    1-25 -> My 91 AC gets missed 25% of the time, meaning I take a hit 75% of the time.
    26-75 -> My 91 AC gets missed 50% of the time, meaning I take a hit 50% of the time.
    75-95% -> My 91 AC gets smashed 95% of the time.

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  9. #9
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krago View Post
    I think that with those odds, AC is still very broken.
    Let me format the math post so you can see it a little clearer. You should note that the first percentages are chance that you are hit with that AC based upon a mob with a to hit modifier of +79 (for the post I am editing atm).
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  10. #10
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    2884%1%2984%1%3083%1%3183%1%3282%1%3382%1%3481%1%3 581%1%3680%1%3779%1%3879%1%3978%1%4078%1%4177%1%42 77%1%4376%1%4476%1%4575%1%4674%2%4773%2%4872%2%497 1%2%5069%2%5168%2%5267%2%5366%2%5465%2%5564%2%5663 %2%5762%2%5861%2%5959%2%6058%2%6157%2%6256%2%6355% 2%6454%2%6553%2%6652%2%6751%2%6849%2%6948%2%7047%2 %7146%2%7245%2%7344%3%7443%3%7542%3%7641%3%7739%3% 7838%3%7937%3%8036%3%8135%3%8234%3%8333%3%8432%4%8 531%4%8629%4%8728%4%8827%4%8926%4%9025%4%9124%2%92 24%2%9323%2%9423%2%9522%2%9622%3%9721%3%9821%3%992 0%3%10019%3%10119%3%10218%3%10318%3%10417%3%10517% 3%10616%3%10716%4%10815%4%10914%4%11014%4%11113%4% 11213%4%11312%5%11412%5%11511%5%11611%5%11710%6%

    EDIT: ahh. got it now, thanks for editing that.
    Last edited by danotmano1998; 04-20-2012 at 01:48 PM.
    <-Curelite Bottling Company->

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  11. #11
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    I think that you have it backwards.

    If I read this right, essentially he's suggesting is that they roll a die equal to half their hit modifier +10 divided by 2. Lets use +80 as an easy number. With +80 to hit they roll a 80+10=90/2 = d45

    01 - 25 = d45 hit roll: Auto Hit 1 ** could hit AC 2 to 45 ** auto miss 46+
    26 - 75 = d45+45: Auto hit 1 - 46 ** could hit 47 to 90 ** auto miss 91+
    76 - 00 = d45+90: Auto hit 1 - 91 ** could hit 92 to 135 ** auto miss 136+

    So in that scenario your 91 AC toon would have exactly a 25% chance of being hit by the mob since he can't hit on a % roll of 75 or less.

    Honestly the system is overly complicated and would do nothing to help lag really. Crunching more numbers is crunching more numbers however you look at it.

    If the idea is to make AC relevant then I say look at doing something with a DR instead. Say take your AC and divide by 4 as a passive DR, something like that, DR checks are already made in combat so this should really add little to no overhead.

    honestly I don't think there is a real solution though as they don't want you to be able to AC tank much. If you can get your AC to the point where nothing can hit you then casters are your only threat, for whatever reason they don't want that easy button.

    /rant on
    Face it this game has progressed to the point where AC really doesn't matter much on the player side especially after level 12 or so (with some few exceptions who are built and geared for it). It's all about how big your red bar is and how fast you can take down his red bar.

    3 years from now we will see people critting with axes and Great Swords for 3000 damage and MOBs will have 8 million HP and we will all think that it's so cool because that number next to my AXE is so big. In reality what we will have done it absolutely killed the flavour builds from being at all viable.

    Realistically AC doesn't matter for the vast majority, so let's just treat it as such and look at viable reasons to make Armour worth wearing (over it's properties). DR is probably the only route left there but it's just going to mean the MOBs damage will go up. Oh most people have say 25% passive DR from armour, let's just let Harry hit randomly 22-28% harder. People will feel it's doing something but in reality we are just spinning our wheels and eventually we are slaughtering anyone who doesn't have a fully optimized build. It's not there yet but it's coming.

    /rant off
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  12. #12
    Community Member Krago's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    I think that you have it backwards.

    If I read this right, essentially he's suggesting is that they roll a die equal to half their hit modifier +10 divided by 2. Lets use +80 as an easy number. With +80 to hit they roll a 80+10=90/2 = d45

    01 - 25 = d45 hit roll: Auto Hit 1 ** could hit AC 2 to 45 ** auto miss 46+
    26 - 75 = d45+45: Auto hit 1 - 46 ** could hit 47 to 90 ** auto miss 91+
    76 - 00 = d45+90: Auto hit 1 - 91 ** could hit 92 to 135 ** auto miss 136+

    So in that scenario your 91 AC toon would have exactly a 25% chance of being hit by the mob since he can't hit on a % roll of 75 or less.
    I like this explanation and I think you are right, now looking at the numbers. Its a huge boost to those builds who did not build for AC and a huge slap in the face to those who built for AC.
    3 Rules to Life

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  13. #13
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    I think that you have it backwards.

    If I read this right, essentially he's suggesting is that they roll a die equal to half their hit modifier +10 divided by 2. Lets use +80 as an easy number. With +80 to hit they roll a 80+10=90/2 = d45

    01 - 25 = d45 hit roll: Auto Hit 1 ** could hit AC 2 to 45 ** auto miss 46+
    26 - 75 = d45+45: Auto hit 1 - 46 ** could hit 47 to 90 ** auto miss 91+
    76 - 00 = d45+90: Auto hit 1 - 91 ** could hit 92 to 135 ** auto miss 136+

    So in that scenario your 91 AC toon would have exactly a 25% chance of being hit by the mob since he can't hit on a % roll of 75 or less.

    Honestly the system is overly complicated and would do nothing to help lag really. Crunching more numbers is crunching more numbers however you look at it.
    Yup you have the basic idea. As for lag the math involved in doing a simple d100 roll and such is preposterously easy for computers to do. Lag comes about when the server is doing complex math involving physics calculations not simplist stuff like this.
    Last edited by Cyr; 04-20-2012 at 02:13 PM.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krago View Post
    I like this explanation and I think you are right, now looking at the numbers. Its a huge boost to those builds who did not build for AC and a huge slap in the face to those who built for AC.
    You sure about that second part?

    It is actually a heck of alot better for those builds against mobs with very high to hit scores and only moderately worse for them against the cases in which they are currently built to excel at (Harry tanking for example) due to the elimination of grazing hits.

    And that is for the VERY high AC builds now. Ones which really are going full throttle. The ones who have non trivial build investments and gear slot investments are going to be running epics and seeing real reductions in incoming damage as well as against dq, velah, and elite horoth.

    I can run the numbers for epic DQ/velah/lob if someone can give me their to hit modifier (and only include the areas of interest for current mid to high AC builds so my keyboard does not get worn out hitting space and enter).
    Last edited by Cyr; 04-20-2012 at 02:47 PM.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by danotmano1998 View Post

    EDIT: ahh. got it now, thanks for editing that.
    lol, yeah it is bit of nightmare going from excel to the forums. On of these days I will bother figuring out the proper way of importing it to the forums...
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  16. #16
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    Trust me you are adding lag.

    Assuming that the hit die replaces (in essence the +to hit)

    You remove a static die (d20) plus static bonus roll but add a d100 roll.

    You are adding a lookup to determine what bonus is applied to the roll (0, die value, 2x die value)
    You are adding a random die size roll (vs a static this takes more zots)

    from there you are in essence using the regular routine (compare result vs AC).

    the d100 roll will be the same zots as the d20 (it's a static die after all so at this point it's nothing more).
    Now the next 2 are fairly simple calculations for sure but they have to be made every time a physical attack happens. Each is basically going to be about the same as the hit roll in performance hit.

    In a general sense but reasonably accurate estimate you are probably close to tripling the workload of combat.

    Basically that group of 4 people/hires, 2 summons and a pet (7) is putting the same load as a raid group.

    And a raid group is looking more like 2.5 - 3 raid groups.

    TRUST me at scale you are looking at the potential for a lag monster.

    Granted collision detection is hard to manage (and that is what it uses to start this all off) but you are doing much more than a d100 random generation.
    Last edited by SiliconScout; 04-20-2012 at 02:12 PM.
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  17. #17
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    Another possibility would be to increase overall monster to-hit then have their to-hit roll be: 20% of their to-hit value + 4% of their to-hit value per number on the d20. So if a monster with +100 to-hit attacks you a 2 would be 28, 3 would be 32, 10 would be 60, etc. with autohit on 20 and automiss on 1 still. That would make lower ACs more relevant overall while still allowing turbine to have insane to-hit monsters to go thru even the highest ACs.
    A monster with say 150 to-hit would still miss a 60 AC target 20% of the time.

  18. #18
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    In a general sense but reasonably accurate estimate you are probably close to tripling the workload of combat.

    Basically that group of 4 people/hires, 2 summons and a pet (7) is putting the same load as a raid group.

    And a raid group is looking more like 2.5 - 3 raid groups.

    TRUST me at scale you are looking at the potential for a lag monster.

    Granted collision detection is hard to manage (and that is what it uses to start this all off) but you are doing much more than a d100 random generation.
    It's the change between...

    to_hit_modifier = lookup_to_hit(mob_x); //only do this on mob spawn or when their to hit value changes
    to_hit = roll_static_dice(20)+to_hit_modifier;


    to_hit_modifier = (lookup_to_hit(mob_x) +10)/2; // only do this on mob spawn or when their to hit value changes
    i = roll_static_dice(4);
    if (i == 1)
    to_hit = roll_static_dice(to_hit_modifier);
    else if(i==4)
    to_hit = roll_static_dice(to_hit_modifier) + to_hit_modifier*2;
    to_hit = roll_static_dice(to_hit_modifier) + to_hit_modifier;

    A simple bunch of if statements and an added roll is what we are talking about here with the addition operations being a wash because the *2 case happens as often as the no addition case.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Cyr's Avatar
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    Default Epic Lord of Blades (not debuffed)

    This is based off of the wiki's listing of a 107 attack bonus for epic lob.

    To hit 107
    Secondary Dice 59

    AC / Chance of being hit/ reduction in hits for this ac compared to one less
    20 92%
    40 83% 1%
    50 79% 1% <- Alot better then 20, but you are still not tanking
    60 74% 1%
    70 66% 1% <- the moderate investment in gear and build toon
    71 65% 1%
    72 64% 1%
    73 63% 1%
    74 62% 1%
    75 61% 1%
    76 61% 1%
    77 60% 1%
    78 59% 1%
    79 58% 1%
    80 57% 1%
    81 56% 2%
    82 56% 2%
    83 55% 2%
    84 54% 2%
    85 53% 2%
    86 52% 2%
    87 51% 2%
    88 50% 2%
    89 50% 2%
    90 49% 2%
    91 48% 2%
    92 47% 2%
    93 46% 2%
    94 45% 2%
    95 44% 2%
    96 44% 2%
    97 43% 2%
    98 42% 2%
    99 41% 2%
    100 40% 2% <- Alot better then the 95% of the time currently for tanks
    120 24% 2%
    130 20% 2% <- currently hit 5% of time...not that anyone hits this AC, but in comparision
    140 16% 3%
    150 11% 4%
    160 7% 6%
    176 0% 100%
    Last edited by Cyr; 04-20-2012 at 04:07 PM.
    Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
    Main: Sharess
    Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella

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