I'm currently leveling a paladin with some splash and the final split is going to be 14 paladin / 4 fighter / 2 rogue. The build includes the human dragonmarks of sentinel for the epic chimera gear and its main dps source when not tanking with a shield is twf.
So, I'm looking to get one feat to improve the benefit of the spells of my paladin and I came down to extend and empower healing being the most (only) useful feats for this. The purpose of both should be obvious but since I haven't played paladin before I am not sure from which of these feats I would get the most. Without any experience to back up my statement I would go with extend, as this would let me maintain my dps at its highest both for sole dps and tanking purpose for longer without the need to cast for what I expect to be 3 minutes rough.
Empower healing would only help me heal up in-combat as it would be cheaper without out of combat and I expect to have enough hp to make it through battles alive (tougher battles I expect to have a healer around) and should it not go as foreseen I'm going to have 4 uses of lay on hands to help me out, which right now with only little healing amp at 8th paladin level heal me for over 150 hp.
So my personal choice here is pretty obvious, but would like someone with experience on this matter to comment on it.
My other question is about a greensteel hp item. As for which slot to put it in I'm considering goggles the most, however I'm unsure if I should go with conc opp, as this would allow some sp regeneration lessening the need of a sp item although a yellow slot epic item takes care of this quite easily. So basically which way is the best to go for a gs hp item for the above mentioned splashed paladin, if a hp item even is the way to go.
Thanks for your help in advance.