I'm looking for a guild for flamingburst (atm 12rsorc/1pal) to get him lvl'd and run raids/epics with. i want a guild that party's together and such since I'm sick of pugs. I would love a relatively high lvl guild but not necessary only thing that's a must is that the guild party's together and i don't have to pug as much anymore.

I also have a lvl 20 clonk that i want a guild for but he only does raids and epics when I'm bored.

I'm not P2P but i do buy TP once a month so i can get packs, atm i only have some low lvl packs, GH and vale but soon to expand on that.

you can either send a PM to me on forums, reply to post or contact me in game on Gelack, flamingburst or lyechaust.