I have this cleric. It is my mule character, but I thought I could make her a Shroud runner in the long run.

Human Barb 1 / Cleric 8
Starting stats: 18/14/14 STR/CON/WIS
1 Dragonmark of Passage (exp.retreat)
H Toughness
3 Empower Healing
6 Maximize
9 Power Attack

How would you finish her up? I intend to retrain the dragonmark when I slot some striding 30% gear, i.e. 4 feats, (or 5 if I take a level of fighter).

I will certainly add feats: IC:Slash, Quicken, Empower. The retrain might go to Extend.

Now, I had this crazy idea: take a fighter level at 10, take Cleave and swing a paralyzer. This would also allow me to heal party less. Hitting things is more fun than hjealing. And later, cleaving with Terror sounds like fun as well.

Gearwise, I might use Sora Katra set on 11, and switch to multiple House C sets at 18 (Alchemist, Magewright, Fabricator). Perhaps Epic Brawling and Epic Cavalry at cap, if I get there.
