As per title, I would love to have a way to export the current character's Hotbar positioning (not necessarily the contents within), and import it into another toon.
I don't know about you guys, but setting up the interface to be exactly the same across all of the toons takes way too much time...
Programmatically speaking all of the information is already saved up, the tool bars pop up in the correct positions when you log back in, with all the correct items within... making an export/import function of the location of the hotbars should thus be pretty simple and straight forward...
The items within on the other hand are probably near impossible to export as they probably all have a specific sort of id identifying one from the other, and an import/export would therefore most likely result in wrong items showing up everywhere... At the same time though, all the abilities skills and feats would probably have the same defining ID and could be therefore preserved...
Of course while doing that they could also actually fix the "lock" situation that isn't really locking the toolbar's positioning...
At any rate, does anyone else share my same feeling about not wanting to spend 20 minutes setting up the interface on every new toon they roll?