Not long ago I've rolled a vet2 cleric with a one-level fighter splash but I haven't committed to playing him yet, instead wallowing in indecision about whether this build makes any sense.
The idea here is to get a character that uses divine punishment on bosses, is a capable healer but when it comes to clearing trash relies mostly on two-handed weapons bolstered by divine favor and power. Feat-wise I'm looking at toughness, power attack, empower healing, empower, maximize, quicken, and I'm undecided about the last two slots: extend, extra turning and improved critical: slashing are being considered. Stats are as follows: 18/8/16/8/12/12 with levels into strength. Race is dwarf and I'm not considering anything else.
Now I've brought up this plan a couple of times in guild chat and the controversy was me being able to hit anything at endgame. But I'm not seeing it: with divine power and favor my attack bonus should be only slightly worse than a fighter's, should it not? Does it then not follow that if they are able to hit things in epics, I should as well (especially considering the possibility of turning off power attack)? Hitting things aside I am aware of having inferior melee DPS compared to a class that specializes in it, but that's a price I'm willing to pay for healing, buffs and a DoT.
If I am being too optimistic about this build being able to hit things at endgame I'd ask for a more exhaustive answer than "it won't work", preferably explaining what a fighter, paladin or barbarian is getting that I missed here (I know about rages and power surges but it was my understanding that at least the latter are only really sustainable for boss fights; also, where does that leave stalwart defenders or paladins?). I'm also aware of having to plan for some to-hit gear on this guy. Also suggestions about what, if anything, would work better. Pure favored soul was mentioned, but other than the cool capstone I'm not sure I see the advantages.