just getting some ideas(at 5 am morning still gaming) for my next build and i thought id be a good idea to write it down somewhere before i forget, not going into detail since it wont be needed.
Its just a leveling build to get through
concept: 16 bard, 2 fighter, 2 barbarian or 12 bard, 6 barbarian, 2 fighter.
hiding behind a tower shield adds 25% damage resistance, aswell as a 100% bonus to aggro with intimidate(125% with orc enhancements).
swinging either a bastardsword or dwarven waraxe and getting 50% glancing blows should become a nice amount of damage with songs, doublestrike and a good strength / power attack enhancements.
the past life feat and splash of barb would open up certain enhancements off half orc, 6 would open more, and would also give this character a nice rage ability.
know i do know this character will have issues casting spells,
tower shield can be swapped and reequipped, cant remember, but i dont think this procs any global cooldown asfar as i know. and if there is, its not very long.
lets give it a go(using12/6/2 for now):
i wont bother writing down every single ability, just the parts i am interested in.
50 strength:18base +4 race +5levelups +7 enhancements +2 exceptional +2rage(spell) +4rage(barb) +2 orc power rage +2 barbarian power rage +2 frenzy +2 ship
32 con:16 base +2barb +4 rage +6 enhancements +2ship +2 rage(spell) (too lazy to search up all the different rage stacking).
yes, i know, can get it higher with exceptional1 str, titan grip, madstone boots etc, not gonna bother for this build.
doubt ill have problems hitting with songs and 50 strength, lets see a damage estimate:
76 damage on average per swing:
50strength: 20 mod
barbarian power attack 2: 2
orcish power attack 3: 3
power attack: 5
vicious frenzy: 2d6: 7
holy d26: 7
greater bane: 3d6+4 = 14.5
+5 silver dwarven waraxe = 1d10+5 = 10.5
12 bard warchanter: 7
86.33hits per minute * 1.15 haste *1.05 doublestrike = 104.24 hits per minute
104.24*76/60 = 132 dps
3 out of 4 attacks have glancing blows for 50% damage of base damage, and 8% to apply effects.
out of 104.24(*0.75) = 78.18 glancing blows / minute for each hitting 21 points on average /60 = 27.4 dps
out of 78.18(*0.08) = 6.25 attacks have effects for 28.5 /60 = roughly a sad 3dps
about a 162.4 dps.(+25% hate = 203 dps)
if intimidated for 10 seconds out of a 16 hate generated is raised to (162.4 dps * 2.25 = ) 365± aceptable, but still abit low.
1:weapon focusrequired by warchanter)
3ast life feat barbarian(count as toughness)
6ower attack
9:two handed fighting
12imp)two handed fighting
15grt)two handed fighting
18:improved critical
fighter1:shield mastery
fighter2:improved shield mastery
cleave is needed for frenzy barb1, might go for 16/2/2 then. needs more feats.
would like to get improved shield bash for 20% off hand shield hits, or is the feat still broken?
extent would be nice, but since ill be raged.. well.. yeah.
509 hp(25% damage reduction from improved shield mastery, so roughly can take 640 damage before falling)
6barb: 72
2 fighter: 20
12 bard: 72
con: 220
greensteel: 45
dragonic feat: 10
barbarian 2: 20
warchanter2 : 10
past life feat barb: 20
orc toughness2 : 20
DR5/- from warchanter
(20 divine power / 2) + 2 + 7 = DR 19, cant be right. but ok. can remember by cleric hitting 27 ill search that up tommorow.
tanking wont be an option untill 80%± healing amp and +50% decent hate generation gear.
any suggestions / tips? ill be tring tommorow.