I have an extra Menace of the Underdark Collector's Edition key that I am not going to use. Would it break any rules to trade this key for in game items/plat?
I have an extra Menace of the Underdark Collector's Edition key that I am not going to use. Would it break any rules to trade this key for in game items/plat?
Proud member of
Shadows of the Dragon
i dont think so bcuz ddo gets the money for it so its not illegal and its a code so its just like TP codes so probably not but i wud check with a guy from turbine cuz no-one likes the ban hammer
Could you give us an idea of what you're looking for?
Plat, FDRS, LDS, my 1st born son?
I am compiling a list of in game items I'd be interested in. I am sure the list will include, FRDS, LDS, PLATS, etc
Proud member of
Shadows of the Dragon
I am fairly certain it's in the clear.
I might also be interested.