Yes, I'm calling for a nerf. Not because the enounter is hard, it isn't in, but the fight is just silly.

It's ridiculously easy for casters but almost certain death for melees. He just hit's too hard, combine that with his often landed stunning-blow and likelihood of critting and I've seen 600+ HP melees drop in less than a second more times than I can count. Epic Lailat isn't this dangerous to a melee.

Meanwhile casters can just DOT-kite or perch in a safe-spot. Casters can kill him easily while taking NO DAMAGE.

No encounter should be designed this way, especially not now when casters are so superior to melees. It's just a kick in the love-nuggets that's not needed to classes that are very far behind.

So yes, I'm asking for a nerf. No encounter should be designed to be this lobsidded between casters and melee.