Hello, have been advertising in trade channels recently, you may or may not have seen me but I am currently selling any greensteel blank(s) of your choice for 250k each.
Prefered payment is plat, however I will also accept:
-Major Mana Pots valued @11k each, so 23 pots per blank
-Large Quantities of Greater/Lesser Cannith Crafting Essences valued @300/60 each
-Small/Medium Eberron Dragonshard Fragments valued @ 15k/40k each
The price is non-negotiable unless you buy a very large number of GS blanks (10+). If you are just buying a couple, then the price is non-negotiable 250k worth in plat or the goods listed above.
Feel free to send me a PM, I will check them a couple of times a day -however- your best bet is to send a tell to toon with the name Zon (Zonixx, Zonixxx, Zzonix, Zonnix, Zonix) or Zox (Zoxen, Zoxxen, Zoxxxen, Zoxxxxen). Zon is main account and Zox is 2nd account so you will probably get a much quicker response from Zon toons.