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  1. #1
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Default Forming Fri night static group on Khyber

    Ok, my first attempt didn't go so well, so here's one with more details in hopes of getting a better response. I've been gone from the game for 5 years and recently have returned. There's lots of cool new stuff now, and LOTS more content, but the PUG scene is awful. I'd love to stick around with this game, and finding a consistent group is my ideal way to do that.

    So, here's the details.

    Playtime: Friday or Saturday night (Friday night selected). Friday I could start at 7 PM EST, Saturday I play basketball, so couldn't start until 8:30. As we get rolling, if it's decided we want more play time, we could try and do both days, or look for another time that works for everyone.

    Server: Up to the group (Khyber selected). I'll play on any server for this. If it's on a server I have my limit of characters on, I'll buy another slot.

    1. No zerging quests
    2. No leveling outside of the group (unless you miss a night and need to get caught up)
    3. No AH. Brokers are fine. Also no hand-me-downs if you have others on the server.
    4. Loot should be dispersed to those who can use it from chests. If it benefits the party to have someone else pick up my chest items, that's what should happen.
    5. Voice chat is preferred. If you don't have a mic, at least be willing to listen.
    6. Be dependable. Life happens, and if you need to miss a session, that's fine. But try to be there on time.

    Some other things that can be determined by the group:
    Starting level - I'm fine with starting at 1 or 4, but not 7. I think we need time to gel as a group, and don't mind missing some of the lower stuff, but 4 is as high as I'd want to start.
    RP - I'm fine with RP, but would leave it to a group consensus. I wouldn't want to be so strict that if someone forgets and says something ooc, others get mad
    Guild - I think it would be nice to start a small guild for the group, but this would be optional
    I also think it would be cool for someone to be willing to chronicle the adventures we have, so if that's something your interested in, I'd love it. Unfortunately, that's not a skill-set I have.

    Looking to start as soon as we get enough to be a viable party. I'd say fighter, healer, rogue at a minimum, and we'd stay open until we hit 6 dependable people. My ideal class would be to play a rogue, with secondary choices of a ranger or fighter.

    If you're interested, please post here, or send me a PM. Hopefully there's plenty of interest and we can start this soon!
    Last edited by Zhundult; 04-18-2012 at 07:08 AM. Reason: Title reflecting time and server

  2. #2
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Heard from one person who's interested. 4 slots left!

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Hi,I would be interested,any server is good for me,would prefer to start at level 4,but willing to start at 1 if that is what the group wants,not really a role-play type,can play any class except a healer(trust me,you don't want your lives in my hands ) If this sounds ok send me a tell,ready to start whenever.

  4. #4
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Sounds fine with me.

    You'd make the third. 3 slots still. The other reply said he'd be willing to play a cleric if needed, so that's covered unless someone else really WANTS to play one!

  5. #5
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    Ok - we seem to be up to three in the group. I have already volunteered to go healer if no one else wants it - it looks like we have a rogue and another who is willing to play anything but a healer. So it is pretty much open.


    Static groups never have to worry about the PUG situation.
    Static groups tend to become a nice cohesive unit with each member learning strengths and weaknesses of the others.
    Static groups one day a week you know for sure what you will be doing in DDO.


    It is only one day a week. (There are how many servers to create and run other characters on?)
    It will be a restricted rate of leveling. (See above)
    You cant use the auction house or twink. (Those are about the only real in-game restrictions!)

    SO if you have been wanting to join a static group - now is the time!
    Me: "You want some of this you little lizard rat! Ooo.. big bad kobold shaman! You got nothi..." "DING"
    Friend: "Dude... were you just owned by a kobold?"
    Me: "Just shut up..."

  6. #6
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Looks like we have a Sorceror for our 4th. 2 Slots still open, with some flexibility still in class choice if you really wanted to play something specific. Hopefully we'll be starting this week.

  7. #7
    Community Member Asmodeus451's Avatar
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    i am interested, so VERY interested, but i just started a new job, and my schedule is such that i cannot guarantee either fri or sat nights free every week..................

    if you are willing to put up with someone with a changing work schedule, i'd be ecstatic, but i completely understand not wanting to deal with it
    The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
    Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith

  8. #8
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    I understand work comes before the game. Do you think it's likely you'll be able to make most Friday nights (Friday seems to be the day that's working better)? Missing every now and then would be acceptable I think, as long as you're there more than not. We could maybe look at putting you in as an alternate too, if you think that would work better.

  9. #9
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    Can we pick a server? I am going to suggest Orien. Also are we going to start at 4th level? If so, can we level traditionally if we can get it done before Friday?

    Setting it in stone now - Cleric with a melee twang to him. Just in case - so far I haven't seen any tanks. I thought everyone played tanks! Lol.

    Mind you, if someone is dead set on wanting to play a cleric - I will acquiesce and I will roll a tank (I am testing a build now that looks to be lots of fun...).

    Hopefully we can get the ball rolling on Friday even if it is not a full group?

    Me: "You want some of this you little lizard rat! Ooo.. big bad kobold shaman! You got nothi..." "DING"
    Friend: "Dude... were you just owned by a kobold?"
    Me: "Just shut up..."

  10. #10
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    If there's still a spot left, I'm interested! Been looking for a static group after the one I was in sort of fell apart. Every other Saturday is busy for me... Fridays are almost always free though, and it sounds like that's what you're leaning towards.

    I'm up for playing anything except a healer... that's my usual role and I'm kinda tired of it. :P Tank might be interesting... haven't tried one of those in DDO though.

  11. #11
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Looks like we are a go for this Friday.

    Here's what I have so far:

    Zhundult - Rythyn the Halfling Rogue
    Kyrgan - Xyberia Elf Cleric of the Undying Court
    Osuracnaes - Shaunn the Human Fighter
    Morrok - Moriartee, Warforged Artificer
    Mojocity0072 - Greydusk the Human Sorcerer
    MarkUCLA - Caster

    Asmodeus451 (alternate) - Margrinar the Hammer Human Paladin

    As for server, my preference would be Khyber (or Cannith). Orien is where I play with my wife and daughter, so I'd prefer to save slots there, and another has characters on Thelanis. If no one objects, plan for Khyber.

    I'd also say plan for level 4. How you get there by Friday makes no difference to me, as long as you only keep what loot you get while getting there. A couple people expressed the desire to start there, and really no one seemed emphatic for a level 1 start.

    Let's plan for a start time of 7 PM Eastern this Friday. If you can't make it for then, speak up. We can set a definitive time for future gaming once we're all in. Also, please either post here before Friday with your character name, or at least PM me, so I'll know who to be looking for.

    If you're interested in this group still, feel free to speak up. I can keep your name in case someone decides they can't make it, or if we have no shows. Also, if you're in the group and haven't officially decided on your class, let me know (or just post here) and I'll update the list so everyone else knows.

    I can't wait for Friday night!
    Last edited by Zhundult; 04-19-2012 at 05:49 AM.

  12. #12
    Community Member
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    Cool - I'll probably go with a Fighter tank type or a Wizard controller/buffer, depending on what Morrok wants to play (and Asmodeus451 if he'll be joining us).

  13. #13
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    Khyber it is at 7pm on Friday!

    Starting new toon tonight after work.

    Name will be posted shortly.

    Race - Elf
    Class - Cleric
    Faith - Undying Court (rez at lvl 6 instead of 9)
    Me: "You want some of this you little lizard rat! Ooo.. big bad kobold shaman! You got nothi..." "DING"
    Friend: "Dude... were you just owned by a kobold?"
    Me: "Just shut up..."

  14. #14
    Community Member Asmodeus451's Avatar
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    ok. given the start time, it doesnt look like i can make it (i have work Fri 10pm-7am, and have to leave for work by 8:30)

    but if you'd like you can put me down as an alternate (i'll do my best to stay in the same level range) in case someone doesnt show up or you never quite find another 6th

    to that effect, put me down as a Human DOS Paladin, tankin it up with a Bsword and Shield or DPSing with a 2hander (the idea being that if i cant make it, it wont be group-breaking)

    EDIT: forgot the name: Margrinar the Hammer
    Last edited by Asmodeus451; 04-17-2012 at 11:38 PM.
    The Funniest Thing I've Ever Read
    Toons: Twengor (pal), Margween (Bard/FTR/Rogue), Nestrana (wiz), Ammerlyn (Arti), Ostarin (Monk) on Cannith

  15. #15
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Ok, I understand. I'll keep you in mind, and will make sure you know where we're at level-wise.

    So, we still have 1 opening if anyone's interested. We'll play this week, regardless of if it's filled or not, but if you want in, speak up before someone else claims it!

  16. #16
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    Well, ive been lurking around here and decided to go ahead and join up.

    Im not very experienced as I played in the beta but never signed up on release.
    I just picked it up again a month or 2 ago and am loving the game. (I hated the 10 level limit on release).

    My main has only attained lvl 7 but I'm very experienced in MMO's in general and love playing support characters.

    If you'll have me I'd be interested in playing a caster as my only other characters have been melee. I'd like to play either Warchanter or Spellslinger Bard (to help as backup heals and cc).

    I dont have access to lvl 4 characters so I'll be leveling up one now. Ill respond later with character name. Thanks all and if for any reason you need me to play another class, or prefer Warchanter as opposed to Spellslinger, let me know.

    **I'd also like to rotate with Asmodeus451, so if he can't play I'll step in and vise-versa**

  17. #17
    Founder Zhundult's Avatar
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    Sounds great! I'm sort of in a similar situation to you. I did join after release, but only stayed a little while, just not enough content and a low level cap. Welcome aboard!

  18. #18
    Community Member Xyberia's Avatar
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    Now - where are we meeting on Friday night? Leaky Dinghy? Wayward Lobster?

    For any in the group that wish to level up - I am spending time on Korthos leveling pre-meet. Whatever I need to complete will be done on Friday afternoon. If you are working your way to 4, I am at 2/9 right now. Working the wilderness area for slayer.

    Drop a line if you see me, or send an mail to Xyberia in game.

    A chronicle of our little trek through DDO will be created as a different thread - bring ideas for Guild names!

    Xyberia the Void Touched

  19. #19
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    Shaunn is the fighter I made... I have Veteran, so I started at level 4. If someone else has a burning desire to play the tank, I'll make a Monk instead. :P

  20. #20
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    I'll be playing Moriartee a lvl 4 WF artificer

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