Hey Shaunn, The 3 of us did log in and the servers were acting pretty good, Not like earlier.
So we're gonna make a go at it nest Friday 7-31. Let us know if you're not available. Grey sounded great and was in good spirits.
See you all nest week.
Hey Shaunn, The 3 of us did log in and the servers were acting pretty good, Not like earlier.
So we're gonna make a go at it nest Friday 7-31. Let us know if you're not available. Grey sounded great and was in good spirits.
See you all nest week.
UGH, Hey guys, sorry for the last minute notice.
1. Ive been sick the last 3 days, though a little better today.
2. We've had 83 earthquakes as of yesterday so I havent gotten much sleep.
3. Its 104 today and I don't have the best air conditioner in the world.
4. Im old, tired, worn out and gonna stay in bed.
Sorry all, I should be good for nest week.![]()
God, Sorry to do this again all. I'm having an allergic reaction to a Shingles shot a couple days ago
and my right hand is swollen. I can barely hold the mouse.
These are not excuses, I really want to play but no way I can play an MMO today. This has happened before and usually clears up after 3 or 4 days.
I do plan on being here next week. My bad all, thanks.
No worries - next week should be good with me.
Hope you feel better soon![]()
Hi Guys and Gals,
I feel fantastic today and should also tomorrow. See you guys then.![]()
Woot, we're back.
Hoping to see everyone back 2 weeks from today 8/28/20.
Hey all. I am going to Vegas tomorrow and not returning till late Saturday nite.
Sorry about that. I will be here the following Friday 9/11 (ugh) so see you then if you can make it.
Missed you last week, Barfa! :P
We mentioned playing tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be busy with stuff with the new house. Next week (9/25) should be good for me if we want to try for then.
Also, looking ahead the two weeks after that should still be good, but my current closing date is 10/16 so I'll probably be busy that day, haha.
Hi all, I've been terribly busy with this move. Preparing the old house and looking for a new.
This market is so hot here that rumor got round that my house was going up for sale.
I have 3 people coming tomorrow and 5 on Wednesday and the house only went on the MLS today.
Its crazy, and there is a shortage of houses here. I will be between here and Palm Springs area all week so I'm afraid this week is out.
I do think I might be available 10/2 but half the time I forget (being so busy). So I can try to make it then and remind Jerb to remind me, lol.
I'm still up for playing but very busy atm, sorry. Hope to see you all 10/2 or soon after.
Hi all, I plan to be on today and I should be good for the next couple Fridays I think.
Hey all, just got out of treatment and i'm a bit run down and gonna sit this week out. How bout next week then? Gray
10/16 is my closing date - I don't have cleaners & movers scheduled until the week after, so I think I should be available next week. I'll keep you posted here if that changes.
Hope you feel better soon, Grey
Hey all, I just logged in about 15 mins late before reading that Gray couldn't make it.
Sorry buddy, how you feel better soon.
My closing date is 10/26, but I think I have 7 days after that to actually move.
I think I can make it next week, but not sure after that, so see you all next Friday.
Im here for sure today. Hope we can all make it.
Gah... I'm really sorry, everyone!
Closed on the house today, and the sellers left a TON of stuff behind for me to clean up before I have cleaners coming Monday. Was over there cleaning for about 7 hours, and it wasn't until about 8pm when I realized what time it was.
I should be good if we want to try again next week... provided my internet service switch goes ok on Wednesday!
NP Sean. Im going through the same sheit as well. Im suppose to close next Monday, but they may be delayed a day or two.
Anyhoot, we are going to meet this Friday if poss 10/23 then I think we might take a couple weeks after they depending on when we're both back in commission.
Holidays are right after that too, so we'll see what happens.
I should be good for tonight... got my internet working and PC set up. I have some stuff to do this afternoon, but I should easily be back by the time we start.![]()
Hey all. I'll be moving into the new house on 11/4. I definitely won't be available next Friday Nov 6th as my internet hardware won't arrive before then.
I think I might be ready by Friday Nov 13th. Ill let you know if not. Thanks all, see you then.