we've got to get you your OWN catchphrase Maha
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
~Oscar Wilde~
Foxxom, Masrie, Eyetunes, Foxom, Focksom
Very true. I wasn't capped and didn't have a CON item equipped. It certainly got me thinking though, so I made some adjustments to gear/enhancements and was sitting over 450 later that night. If he said "Hey, I know this is your first time healing Shroud, but what's with the low HP?" I would've seen that I didn't have my CON item on and that would've made at least a 54hp difference. But, as a healer in normal Shroud, 350 should be plenty unless it was your first Shroud ever.
Either way, now I'm sitting at 522 (no GS HP) with a plan to hit 587 once I cap my melee TR and can focus on my healer's equipment again. Until then this is plenty to heal any raid on Normal if the guild needs him.
i dont think this is fair
level 20 pally
14 base con check
toughness check
toughness item check
Draqconic vitality check
maxed toughness enhancement check
+7 Con item +3 tome
hp total 472
Level 20 monk
14 base check
toughness check
maxed toughness enhancments check
gfl check
toughness item check
Draqconic vitality check
+6 con item + 1 exceptional con item +3 con tome
hp total 407
Level 20 fight (total 806 hp outliers so not included)
Level 20 bard
14 base check
toughness check
maxed toughness enhancments check
gfl check
toughness item check
Draqconic vitality check
+6 con item + 3 exceptional con item +2 con tome
gs hp item
total 407
hp total 407
So I think you suggest that 400hp is easy to get with just those things you listed is a bit well unenlightened of you I've listed that my toons have all the requirements you ask for and sometimes more (epic/shroud/tod/+3 tomes) and still only jsut scrap 400 or are under it .
Level 20 ranger
15 base check
toughness check
maxed toughness enhancments check
gfl check
toughness item check
Draqconic vitality check
+6 con item +1 con tome
hp total 382
Level 20 Sorc
14 base check
toughness check
maxed toughness enhancements check
gfl check
Draconic vitalit check
+6 cont item
+2 tome
hp total 312
Level 20 arty
14 base check
toughness check
Toughness item check
maxed toughness enhancments check
Shroud hp item
draconic vitality check
+6 con item
total hp 377
for 400 id say you need
14 base
Toughness item
maxed toughness enhancments
Shroud hp item
draconic vitality
+6 con item
+2 tome
expecting some one to have a shroud hp item to run the shroud is sort of an onxymoron no?
30 heroic dura
160 d8 class
100 (20 con) (14 base +6 item)
30 gfl
21 toughness
20 toughness enhancments (max 2 racial for elf/halfling/drow)
361 total
30 heroic dura
120 d6 class
100 (20 con) (14 base +6 item)
30 gfl
21 toughness
20 toughness enhancments (max 2 racial for elf/halfling/drow)
321 total
30 heroic dura
200 d10 class
100 (20 con) (14 base +6 item)
30 gfl
21 toughness
20 toughness enhancments (max 2 racial for elf/halfling/drow)
21 toughness item
411 total
so dispite doing everyting you asked 2/3 these toons still fall a long way short of your 400 hp requirement
(ofc paladins/monks/figther/barbs have access to class toughness enhancements and you would expect meles to take these)
(wizards and monks have access to con stances so if Hp are lacking you would expect they would use these)
Now if you were to say i expect a minimum of 400 for epic thats fine
nb im not saying that i would accept a load of 250 hp toons into shroud because i i wouldnt when im grumpy i decline allsorts of people for silly reasons "i dont like drow" "they have a silly name" "i just dont like the look of them" just to say that to expect 400 hp from some one in shroud is reasonable is well silly!
Last edited by Nouda_EU; 05-04-2012 at 02:06 AM.
Last edited by Nouda_EU; 05-04-2012 at 02:07 AM.
-The mash on Argo
In Soviet Russia Shroud trust in YOU!
Fix'dtoughness is 3 +1 for each level past level 1
Toughness item is 20 hp
You have no idea how much lately i saw hero / legend build that had more or same hp as mine 1st lifer / not geared at all characters. Really 400 hp WF FS with 2100 sps that joins for eDQ1 ? Would you trust same to heal shroud ?
I was in group other day on my barbarian, we had 2 cleric - 1 guildie pure, one friend ( support ) clonk, and WF FS, we had 2 rogs with 350 hp - that is with ship buffs. Someone in group started to yank we should go hard since we have 2 healers - I'm720 Hp rust/iron/wood ball without hp item and rage so i don't care, asked both heals if they want to do hard both said w/e, so i went in hard, part 1 was ok, part 2 was fast, part 3 was bit slow on solving, tho i volunteered to break crystals if needed. Part 4 was fuuuun it was 3 rounder, 1 rogue died 1st round, 2nd died 2nd round. That WF FS was outside healing and both Cleric and Clonk were doting, and melee harry. I was bit frustrated to see WF FS without PrE, not melee on harry but shield blocking and using Cove dagger
Part 5 now fun part, you know that 350 hp rogues well now 1 turned to 299 hp one, since it was hard it wasn't so hard to predict ending...
Sum up: 1cleric ( which someone passed to him ), 1 major clonk, 2major WF FS
Mine nerves: priceless
For everything else there is Master Shroud
I wont pug any more raids on diff higher than norm, and ill squelch all people that i don't know, which are trying to pull a smart move on me.
I said 1 year ago and i repeat it now Devils assault and Vale are new harbor, just now people can't recall and reenter to get completion instead there is small % of possibility to fail raid.
Say no to pugging![]()
Last edited by maha0201; 05-06-2012 at 06:10 AM.
Thelanis, Playing since 2009
S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
S V | Favor 19 Maha 6267
Cmon Mmaha, i was leading that one and i remeber you dieing once in p4 and once in p5. That ranger died only once in p5, after you if i may add.
Basicly, you can't judge people by hp, i have seen 1k hp barbarians die stupidly, *cough* mmaha , and i have seen 300 hp chars pull of miracles.
Ofc, when you are pugging sometimes its better to go on the safe side, but if its not a raid, i'm not pugging unless i'm certain i can complete it with 5 soulstones in my backpack.
And i died on harry dpsing, since leader ( you ) didn't say pull out on time, tho i said to call it since i was on low fps
He died more than once pt 5, he got trashed by blades couple of time, i got few delayed blasts and blades on harryWonder how long would he be alive in pt4 if he did proper dps on harry.
Well if you are going that way i do remember 1 hard shroud few week ago when my ranged dps was able to get harry in only 5 rounds as last melee standingall thanks to cleric who was using healing scrolls on me.
I do recon one shroud when pally died in pt4 before harry was down, some excuse was that he followed monk and didn't see healers were still regaining spell points ( think his name was Nozich, oh wait Greg it was you) .
Thelanis, Playing since 2009
S II | Favor 12 Mmaha 6015 | Reaper 43 Mmaha 115,954
S III | Favor 22 Maha 6005
S V | Favor 19 Maha 6267
In all fairness, using Maha as an example doesn't count. He dies more often than me!
Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)
Death is a traumatic experience, Mmaha suffers from short term memory loss from all the deaths he had. Think we should charge him rent for all the time he spent in our backpacks.
Anyway, just to stay on topic, short recap of the thread: DR breakers - good, dots on harry - good, wail on harry - bad, hp - more the merrier.
.. sorry wrong thread ..
Last edited by SiliconScout; 05-11-2012 at 06:08 PM.
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”
I have a new standard of awesome : insufficient dps in part 2.
People just left in the end. 30 mins in and still not sorted....
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~