. . .because this is a Free to Play game?
Whether it's due to poor coding. . .or poor server response with the code. . .something HAS to be done with the AI system that hirelings and the Artificer dog uses.
Whether it's. . .
- A divine hireling never healing me
- Artificer dog staring around boxes(when he has the box hunter enhancement) to never break a box
- Artificer dog being issued a command(like trip) yet he continues to chase and attack some other target he's after.
I could only imagine how useless the DPS/Tank hirelings are.
Call me spoiled, since I just came back from a pay to play MMO, but your companions/hirelings should 'just work'. I shouldn't have to fight with them to get it to break a box or attack a certain mob. You guys have no idea how spoiled I am from this last game with having a pocket healer as a companion/hireling and it's actually able to keep my DPS/Tank toon alive.
This bug alone is going to turn away SOOOOOOO many potential players. I know if I was new to DDO and was a DPS/Tank toon and assumed I was supposed to get through quests with cleric hirelings. . .I would NEVER make it out of Korthos. Yes I know thew work around(to get hp pots), but new players wont. . .and they shouldn't have to figure it out. A new gamer is going to look at these hirelings/dogs and think the rest of the game is poorly coded like this.
tl:dr - If Turbine is going to offer a service/feature like they do with the hirelings and the dogs, they should work. If not it's going to turn away a LOT of potential new customers/players.