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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Best in Slot for Max STR/CON Monk

    So I am going with this build - - that I setup not too long ago. I have been out of the game for 4 months(challenges was the last thing introduced when I was playing) and just getting back into the swing of things.

    It will be a Dark Monk with tier 3 Mountain Stance(for the ki strikes and when I need to tank) and tier 3 Fire Stance(as the main stance for ki gen to leave gear slots open).

    I am looking to maximize DPS first and foremost and then a secondary emphasis on HP.

    I am looking for the best in slot for each gear piece, as well as spark up a debate about why you think it's the best in slot. Below I will list what I feel is the best that I can get, but I never went this far into optimizing gear before when I was playing, plus I've been out for 4 months, so lots of things could have changed(but I hear a lot is the same).

    Rings - Encrusted/Kyoshos(holy burst and shocking burst)
    Belt - Knost' Belt
    Chest - Garments of Equilibrium
    Neck - Shintao Cord
    Bracers - Epic Claw
    Gloves - Epic Claw(Epic Chrono)
    Goggles - GS HP(when tanking)/Tharnes(when not)
    Helm - Epic Chrono
    Cloak - Epic Roc(Epic Chrono)
    Boots - Madstone (Epic Chrono)
    Trinket - Bloodstone(for trash)/Litany(for tanking)/Or even Gem of Many Facets(discussed below)

    So, for some clarifications and debate. . .

    Garments are only useful for the increased fist dmg. If you were using Alchemical Byshek handwraps, then you could take this off and use something else(like epic red scale armor). I haven't yet crafted these yet. . .so I dunno how good they are for 100% use. They have stunning +10, so out of habit I would think to only use it on trash, but it could be the best in slot for handwraps(anyone know how these compare to say anarchic burst silver of greater bane against like harry, sulo, horoth, etc?)

    The Epic Chrono set is something I see debated a LOT. Which slots are the most useless for DPS or which pieces give the best bonus.

    I am assuming the best in slot for the cloak is Cape of the Roc due ot the lack of +2 STR from ToD rings, but I just love the Chrono Cloak so much(maybe for the +7 con). However because of the Cape of the Roc, it simply just isn't useable(for the 3 piece set bonus) when aiming for max dps correct?

    Chrono Boots are a pretty good substitute for Madstones. You dont get the extra con, but you do get to use your clickies(like pally past life). And it's a sustained bonus(3 piece set). . .instead of hoping for a proc(which can be reliable when tanking, but not so much when DPSing).

    The Helmet is a great spot for a Chrono piece. It used to be my GS hp item, but that got moved to goggles and gets switched between tanking and dpsing.

    So the quest becomes, where do you slot the 3rd Chrono piece in. Cloak isn't ideal with cape of the roc, and both gloves and bracers is occupied with the claw set gear.

    If anything, I could see using the gloves, since it technically does add DPS on top of the 3 piece set bonus(which would help balance out the dps I lose from not getting the full claw set).

    I was curious about the Epic Game of Many Facets. It works with the Epic Claw set correct? Can anyone give me details on which piece the gem represents? If it could be a placeholder for the Claw Gloves, then I could use the gem, and then use the chrono gloves and get both the chrono set bonus and claw set bonus. I wanna say I asked around about this and was told it's the opposite though(the gem is a placeholder for the bracers). Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    So if that doesn't work, then the trinket slot is left to the bloodstone and litany of the dead. For trash I think the bloodstone is best. Against high fort bosses(like when tanking) it's probably better to switch over to the litany, and hope it brings you up to an even number str. . .if not, then its not as good as the bloodstone i wouldn't think.

    I know that was a lot to read and I thank anyone who takes the time to read through it and give me your thoughts and ideas about the Best in Slot for a Max DPS Monk(using the stances mentioned above).

  2. #2
    Community Member Bumbaragum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Hi. Well I think this will be simple.

    Madstone boots doesnt proc with stalwart stance. So One slot for your set.

    You can use Epic gem with Eclaw gloves and get the set bonus and place a bracer abishai there (plus u get +8 armor)

    Abishai Helm and you have 3 gear set bonus or you use the cloak to get a slot in your trinket, your call for more hp and 2 less str and Eclaw bracers +2 cons. Switch around and see what fits you better

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