
I am a returning player. However, I haven't played in many years (since about 2007).

It's practically a new game now with a higher cap, new starter area, new crafting, airships, and so much more. It's been fun exploring the game again.

I am a old school MMO player, going way back to the text based days.

I have a headset.

I am very active, prefer to focus on a 1 or 2 primary characters rather than a bunch of alts.

I am currently a lv5 (almost 6) Horc Monk. Easy class to get back into the swing of things as it doesn't need a lot to hit the ground running.

I'm not looking for much from a guild really, easy going laid back group of fun loving people that like to game is the main one =)

I would prefer to join a higher rank guild, more for the fact that they have shown themselves to be worth joining, and not some random guys guild full of alts he is leveling, or a random spam invite guild (I get so many random invites!).

Oh, last and most important - an adult type guild for adults. Not a family orientated guild or a guild full hormone raging teens, but just a plain ol guild of adult type people that are hiding from the aforementioned kids.

If you'd like to meet in game for a chat or run together for a bit to see if it'd be a groovy fit, you can msg me on:


I am on all hours of the day / night, minus time for sleep, food, luvin, (not nesc in that order lol)
