This thread ( talked about a number of quests that have various problems. Some of the problems can be easily fixed, others almost impossible, but it is a good thread to talk about how some quests have major problems that keep people from bothering with them (Hold for reinforcements).

However, as at least one person mentioned, alot of the annoyances in the game involve one seemingly simple problem that plagues people throughout every level:

None of the quests ever seem to flag quite the same way.

We've everything from Sharn, where you can follow the order given by the quest giver, or can do them in (almost) any order. Then you have necro where you can flag the 4 quest in any order, but have to reflag each time you want to do the 5th (and god help you if you mess up and retake a quest). There is the infamous Delara's bug where if you share it often causes people to not get end rewards, and where if you are not paying close attention you can end up having to redo the last quest. These are just a few of the problems involved and there are many many more.

Now sometimes, you get a flagging series that was really well done. Vale for example only HAS to be done once to get into the final quest, but you end up doing them many times for the ingrediants. Path of inspiration has a simular mechanic where once flagged, you can ignore the quests forever unless you want the optional chest at the end of Mindsunder. Other quests were repaired, Von for example (I still call Jungle of Khyber VON3, even though i almost never bother doing VON1 or 2 anymore.)

Most of the good quests fall under the category of "Flag once and you're done." These flagging quest usually have something that brings people back for one reason or another, but dosen't penalize you if you don't want to do them ever again. All the bad quests however involve either buggy quest chain breaks (accidently having to redo Threnal east or west sucks) or multiple reflags (Shadow Knight 20 times is fine, Shadow King is NOT.)

Please make a run through the various quest chains and redo the flagging mechinisms so that there is a well-orginized, easy to follow path to get to where you want to go.

Also, and this is just bonus points, i would like to be able to skip a quest by doing other quests multiple times. Placing flagging items in end chests for example would allow me to do Last Stand twice and avoid doing The claw of vulkoor at all unless i wanted the quest specific items. Likewise i can get everyone in my guild to agree to do a dozen runs of The Shadow Knight. That would let me run Shadow crypt 3 times without having to do the other flagging quests at all (making Necro2 a much more profitable adventure pack overall.)