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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Undead form vs. "Light Effects"

    Quick newb question here... i'm assuming lightning attacks are considered electric and not "light"? Assuming that is correct, are there any items that provide any protection for pale masters against things like searing light?

    Thanks for your time,

  2. #2
    LOOON375's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Lightning is electric damage. And that is totally different from "light" damage.

    While in undead form, you want to avoid light damage at all costs. lol 4X the damage against you compared to the normal damage other's in your party will take.

    As far as protection items, I have no clue.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Shishizaru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheintao View Post
    Quick newb question here... i'm assuming lightning attacks are considered electric and not "light"? Assuming that is correct, are there any items that provide any protection for pale masters against things like searing light?

    Thanks for your time,
    Shroud of the Abbot and Epic Phiarlan Mirror Cloak provide resistance to light. Shroud of the Abbot starts at Improved Light Resistance but can be upgraded to Greater. The Epic Phiarlan Mirror Cloak has Greater.

    Unfortunately, most light spells have no save (Divine Punishment, Nimbus of Light, Searing Light), although the latter two, being ray spells, may be avoidable with some reflexes/luck. Sunburst has a reflex save, so working on improving that can potentially help you mitigate some damage vs sunburst.
    Last edited by Shishizaru; 04-10-2012 at 09:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks guys... i appreciate it. I'm actually wearing the upgraded shroud of the abbot and yet somehow failed to notice the greater light resistance *smack head*

    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    Yeah Abbot robe works, Phiarlan cloak however doesn't since it has spell absorb which messes with PM heals. Sigh.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    And, yeah, it's not a silly line of questioning at all. I mean, if the game wanted to *make sense*, light effects would cause the same type of damage as fire effects, and electricity would be a combination fire and death effect.

    Shine a light or laser powerful enough that it hurts. Photons heat up the surface, causing injury-- which sounds like fire damage.

    Electrocute someone (don't actually; it's been years since I electrocuted myself, but it freaking HURTS, and I've been obsessively careful with power supplies ever since). First, electricity is able to screw with the electrical impulses that make your heart beat; the wrong little jolt to the wrong place can kill you instantly. Second, even if you do something minor like put 400 volts across your forearm, your flesh is subject to the same laws of physics as every other material: P=V^2/r, and those watts get absorbed by your flesh the same way any other heat source would. Your cells heat up, and you can expect your muscles to be sore in the morning.

    Dungeons and Dragons is MAGICAL! "Electricity" isn't governed by some crazy laws of physics; it's just this screwy substance that hurts people! That is, unless they've been declared resistant or immune to electricity. Then it doesn't work so well, and never mind if they're vulnerable to fire; E=integral(IV)dt doesn't apply, because this is MAGICAL electricity. Ditto for "light"; it doesn't burn like fire, because it's MAGIC.

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