I want my archer guy to be an archer guy though.
I want my archer guy to be an archer guy though.
Gbold.is 2stacking seeker and 1 competence damage (so no stacking with ship buff) as well as shocking blow. Bloodstone is 6 nonstacking seeker. For.any person blood beats bold on lit immune enemies or on those without seeker. Bold wins on lit vulnerable enemies or with seeder 4 or better slotted.I believe on lit norm enemies they tie at seeker 2 elsewhere.
Ring of the Stalker + Greater Bold Trinket > epic Bloodstone
Litany of the Dead > everything.
My two cents
Kasik ~Rogue~ Fui ~ Barb ~ Emmeryl ~ Clr ~ Hilcias ~ Sorc ~
Cool kids play on Mabar!
Not really. 1 damage and .5 STR damage. -> 1.5 STR damage on 2 swings, .5 STR damage on 17 swings, 0 on 1 swing. .575 damage. 1 damage, 19 swings, .95 damage. 1.525 damage.
GBold: 2 Seeker, 1 damage (doesn't stack with ship buff, leaving them out for these equations since you don't always have them), Shocking Blow. -> 19-20 X3 means 12 damage over 20 swings, or .6 damage/swing. 1 damage is .95 damage/swing average. 1.55 damage. Adv: GBold (not even factoring in Shocking Blow) over Litany, no ship buffs.
GBold: 10d6 damage on 20's. Avg is 22.5 damage (15 on saves, 30 on non saves, assuming save half the times) so 1.125 damage/20 swings. GBold: 2.675 damage. With buffs, 1.725 damage, so regardless of buffs, GBold > Litany.
Bloodstone: 6 Seeker. 18 damage, 36 damage over 20 swings.
1.8 damage. GBold > Bloodstone > Litany without Ship buffs, Bloodstone > GBold > Litany with Ship Buffs. EBloodstone is same way, only it's 2.4 damage. Makes GBold closer.
Bloodstone/EBloodstone assumes no other Seeker bonuses. GBold is 2 Exceptional Seeker, so stacks with most Seeker items.
EDIT: I have seen GBold trigger on EFang thrown hits, so fairly certain it DOES toggle on Ranged.
Thanks to everyone for thier input, however i have to restress that this is for a Kensai II AA... and yes, i am perpetually RANGED-- when not in multishot i contribute with CON or PAR, etc whatever the moment calls for... Melee luvz meh & enemy casters theya hate on meh. Anyway, the BloodStone is staying put because i honestly havent read a valid argument against it yet, which was tghe original point. And it's just as well for my gear-out. Some of the suggestions are very much worth checking more closely into, i dunno the stats for some, like Litany and how it would b used for Ranged -too lazy to look it up yet, though i fear its a grind to get
Thank you everyone -Tarelyn