I really hate the glib replies to guild renown that it doesn't matter if you're level 65 or 95. This is a game... and being a game, I'm going to work to improve all aspects of my experience in DDO.
I had a guildie come back after a six month break. He went directly to the Wayward Lobster. I summarily booted him from the guild. Another guildie just logs on to say hello and talk about his excitement of the coming of GW2. A third player came back after probably 9 months. But only for moments every few days. I'm about to kick them.
This is wrong. I am wrong. I know it. I have to be fair to the players that are actively working toward the guild's best interest. The player I kicked hasn't logged on since. I'm sure the players I'm about to kick will never play again. Great system there Turbine.