I have activated a lesser heart of wood and I am unable to use it. When I activate the reincarnation at Character selection screen this is what I am seeing
1. Character selection
2. First screen of character creation GUI. Notice that there is no Character model?
3.Choose Melee and click next. ( all options are selectable and shouldnt be since this was a lesser heart of wood)
4.Notice the box on the right?
5.Choose fighter and click next
6.Customize is highlighted as only selectable option as it should be but I am not able to choose stats. It jumps automatically to #7
8. Character creation failed.
I hope the screenshots help.
Here is the error message I am getting in my dndclient. log
191496914.579: 0x3900049D: error: The particle system has specified a holding location id [0x10000025] but the model setup has no such holding location. This will cause the particle system to not display!
191496990.609: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
191497443.058: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharGenError: called.
I have unistalled the game and did a fresh install. I am still getting the same error .
Here is all of the info in my launcher log after fresh install.
datfile "client_gamelogic.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_anim.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_mesh.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_sound.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_surface.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_cell_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
datfile "client_map_1.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:0,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
000000000.000: SimpleDiskController::InitFile failed with PDISKERR error code [-2]
000000000.000: SimpleDiskController::InitFile failed with PDISKERR error code [-2]
datfile "client_local_English.dat" stamped with datpack versions eng:112, game:3,
executable supporting datpack versions eng:-1, game: -1.
000000010.223: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Validating credentials...
191507329.258: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading subscription data...
191507329.258: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Loading character data...
191507329.351: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_WorldName: Sarlona
191507329.669: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_DisplayStringInfo: Receiving character data...
191507333.975: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharSet: called.
191507391.858: GlobalEventHandler::RecvEvt_CharGenError: called.
I have contacted in game support they advised me to contact account support. I contacted account support they advised me to contact Technical support. I have filed a ingame bug report and I am following up with this forum post. Please help me get this fixed.