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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Wink Looking for First Soul Tank Build that can solo epics and elites with no issue

    I am looking for single life tank build that i can tr a few times before new exp comes out i have a 32 pt build and lvl 7 starting off i want to be able to solo elite and epic to accumulate some gear for my trl so i can tank raids i prefer a pally or FvS type but open to anything as i hear pallys are not that viable anymore.

    if its easier to mix classes that's fine as well but after i trl a few times i want a pure class for the capstone.

    I also just came back after a 2 year break and gonna start playing heavily so i can get a few characters up to 20 before new exp comes out .

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I'm leveling a paladin along with 3 others who I regularly group with. They are viable but not optimal. Still depending on your end goal the pally past life can be worthwhile. Evasion + Pally saves is AWESOME! One guy is a monk/pally and his DPS is by far the highest amongst melee PuG's I've been with over the past two levels (15-16).

    I can solo elite without any real issues (though I prefer to PuG). As far as soloing epics goes it's easier on a FvS but you could do it on a paladin for many of the quests. I really don't bother soloing epics much as (at least for my capabilities) it's faster to PuG even on my wiz or fvs.

    If you want a paladin life or three then go with one or both of your first two lives (+1 if your end build requires 3 past lives paladin) since they require the least amount of XP. Leveling a FvS is easier for sure.
    Last edited by morticianjohn; 04-08-2012 at 01:39 PM.
    Cannith - Noehealz, Protectorjon, Noebuffs, Mortion

  3. #3


    A 32-point first life FvS/Pally epic soloer tank build with no gear. You don't want much, do you?

    If money, time and personal sanity are of no concern, might I suggest Carpone's Ultimate TR Junkie Leveling Framework. Using it to get a few PLs under your belt before tackling the whole epic soloing scene might be advisable.

    The new Cannith Challenge System offers some great gear which is relatively easy to farm using the framework presented above.

    I wish you well in your endeavor.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Habreno's Avatar
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    I hate to say it, but you're going to need either Epic gear or TR's to do that.

    I've a 32-point Cleric and even with a nice bit of Epic gear all he can solo right now is Partycrashers. And that's only because of DoT's.

    If you *really* wanted to, you could possibly do it. Here's what you'd need:

    550+ HP (to survive enemy CC and mobs hitting you) AND some sort of DR (Stoneskin does not count, you can't buff stoneskin while CC'ed)- Capstone DR works.

    Some form of CHEAP, uninterruptable, self-healing. CLW capstone with a bunch of heal amp works. Quickened Heal works too in emergencies.

    Some way of damaging enemies QUICKLY. Often times on a first life this is through melee. This not only means your offensive casting is practically dumped, but you also need another 50-100+ HP to survive being in melee and getting CC'ed. So probably about 600+ HP buffed for going melee.
    If going with spells, 550 is still okay-but your DC's have to be high 30's, if not low 40's. That, sadly, takes Epic gear. I personally have a hard time landing anything on a 36-37 DC, even an Implosion will get 5/5 saves frequently.

    Knowledge of the quest. If this is your first run through, you're in big troubles. Certain things are Epic-Only, though, so even knowing the quest does not guarantee that everything will happen. Often though, those things are not in quests you will be soloing (Epic Devil Assault is the only one I can think of where you stand a chance at soloing AND has differences from N/H/E on Epic) so there's little worry here.

    Good Luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLegendOfAra View Post
    Welcome to Argo, where our end game players are constantly striving for new and exciting ways to make themselves more gimp, and continually working towards progressively more pointless goals.
    BYOH. Know it, abide by it, or don't mess with those who do.

  5. #5
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    doesn't have to be the able to solo epics right off the bat but after a few pls i want him to be able to is 18 paladin/ 2 monk any good?

  6. #6
    Community Member smithj_2020's Avatar
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    Good luck it will be very difficult and a melee tank type soloing epics would be very slow I'm thinking.
    I feel at home in the darkness, when its just me and my blades...when the hunter takes over!

  7. #7
    Community Member count_spicoli's Avatar
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    why solo epics. pugging them is usually fast and easy. rarely fail most epics in pugs

  8. #8
    Community Member Lalangamena's Avatar
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    if there was a simple easy melee build that can solo epics,
    it was the only class that you see running around.

    palemasters and fvs have their own weaknesses also, and it takes lot of TR and epic gear in order to solo such quests.

  9. #9
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    You don't want to solo epics to get gear...not only is it much slower, but it's worse loot drops than filling the party with friends/guildies.

    As far as soloing epics for scrolls (which doesn't involve completing, and rarely fighting bosses), any caster can do that with half-decent DCs...a melee will take gear and likely past lives to compare there.

    Outside of that, if you want to tank...I strongly recommend either paladin, monk, or fighter...the days of melee FvS tanks are over for most raids...though a DoT tank with shield mastery and intimidate can do some great tanking.

    That said, if you really want to solo epics...a first-life wizard can do it, as a pale master, loaded with rather good gear (like Wruntjunior effectively currently is...past life FvS doesn't do much for a wizard). However, by the time you can solo an're really soloing the epic for scrolls for other characters or just to prove you can.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

  10. #10
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WruntJunior View Post

    Outside of that, if you want to tank...I strongly recommend either paladin, monk, or fighter...the days of melee FvS tanks are over for most raids...though a DoT tank with shield mastery and intimidate can do some great tanking.
    How much intim can you get on such an animal that didn't splash? I've yet to see one hold aggro over "real" melee or sorcs.

  11. #11
    Community Member WruntJunior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey-Boy View Post
    How much intim can you get on such an animal that didn't splash? I've yet to see one hold aggro over "real" melee or sorcs.
    Without intimdate as a class skill, but sacrificing wisdom for charisma...I could see as high as mid-60s intim...not high enough for everything, but high enough to work well...especially with half-elf. If built with past lives and all to be a DoT tank...possibly more.

    I've seen these be quite effective a few times in normal LoB, but not many other places...I think, if you let them get their triple-stack and then give them a second, it'd be fine.

    Could also get ~700 hp while focusing on charisma more than con, and with a torc and two con opps (one weapon, one accessory), could probably work quite well.

    Of course, this is theory...haven't built one myself, and don't actually know anyone who uses that build.
    Pestilence: Wruntjunior ~ Dragonborn Fire Sorc (finished completionist project) // Wruntarrow ~ HW Archer // Youngwrunt ~ SWF SDK Bardbarian // Wruntstaff ~ Stick Melee (current tr project)

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